Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Monday, November 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Daphne Greengrass, Sara Moon and Tracey Davis
    What: Daphne is holding up her end of the bargain…
    When: Thursday, April 4th. 8:00pm
    Where: Slytherin Girl's dorm, 6th year near Sara's room.
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Angst.

    Daphne had been looking for Sara since they had come back from dinner. To her annoyance, Sara seemed to have disappeared. She wasn't in her room, the common room or anywhere else she looked.

    Tracey Davis had sought her out earlier that day. She had come to Daphne with info she would have killed for before her encounter with Sara. She would have put it out so fast that Sara wouldn't have known what hit her. However, things had changed since then…

    Taking the information graciously, Tracey never asked her to do anything with it. Clearly her housemate assumed that Daphne would have just told people. Tracey would have been right; too bad for her that she didn't know about Daphne and Sara's alliance.

    Armed with something so damning that Sara was sure to owe her forever, Daphne could barely contain herself as she looked for Sara.

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