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Thursday, October 23rd, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Tracey Davis/Heidi Macavoy.
    What: Tracey has been outed!
    When: Tuesday, April 2. 5:55pm
    Where: Near Hufflepuff Commons, to start.
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Angst, drama

    Tracey had no idea what was happening at first. The day had started normally enough. After getting into her uniform, she had gone down a little late to breakfast. She got a few looks as she always did walking in late, but she didn't notice.

    It wasn't until the whispering started that Tracey began to notice that she was getting a lot more scrutiny than usual. She tried to ignore it, but it kept getting worse and worse throughout the day.

    After Potions, Pansy Parkinson gave her a disgusted look as she walked by with Millicent in tow. "Macavoy, really?" she sneered. "Even though you are disgusting, I figured you could do better than that."

    Tracey's heart fell into the pit of her stomach. She couldn't even respond to Pansy as she cackled cruelly and walked away. Her fellow Slytherin, who wouldn't even spare her a glance normally, had been so forthwith there was no doubt that she knew. How did she know?

    The rest of the day was just as bad. Tracey snuck off to cry in the loo after she'd heard Ernie Macmillan and Lisa Turpin discussing her and Heidi. It wasn't only Pansy who knew, it seemed that lots of people did.

    She hid the rest of the day, not sure what to do. Needing to talk to Heidi, she waited in a dark corner by the Hufflepuff tower hoping to catch her on the way to dinner. Her uniform was a rumpled mess and her cheeks were stained with tears.

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