Ampfe - Femmeslash Emporium!'s Journal
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Wednesday, February 20th, 2008

    Time Event
    Who: Heidi Macavoy and Tracey Davis
    What: Party! And maybe a private one of their own...
    When: Friday evening, after the Hufflepuff vs. Slytherin match
    Where: Locker room exit, then Hufflepuff common, then who knows...
    Rating: More than likely NC-17

    Heidi soared through the skies, her sights set on the quaffle and the other players. The game was almost over and Hufflepuff was leading by ten and Heidi was already in a good mood. Not only was she playing very well, even for her sky-high standards (Which means in reality she was excellent) but also the fact that in passing she caught a flash of blonde hair in the Slytherin stands that she knew to be Tracey. Heidi was mildly surprised that the other girl actually showed up.

    Finally, Heidi heard the whistle, signaling the games end and flew to the ground, seeing her team's seeker holding the Snitch. The captain let a smile take over her features as she pulled her goggles down around her neck and joined her team in celebration. Even the Hufflepuffs, with their superb sportsmanship traits couldn't help but feel glad that not only winning, but pulling those obnoxious smirks off of Malfoy and his cronie's faces.

    After she was done congratulating the team and promising to make an appearance at the celebration party, Heidi resigned to the girl's side of the locker room, shedding her quidditch robes and pulling her blonde hair out of her ponytail before stepping under the cool water to take a quick shower before heading out to meet with Tracey.


    The blonde Slytherin had been on her mind a lot, ever since their escapades in the potions classroom on Wednesday. She couldn't get the image of her grin, or the feel of her long golden locks out of her mind.

    Turning off the water and casting a drying charm, Heidi quickly changed into ragged jeans with a few tears and holes here and there, a dark red wifebeater (Heidi had always thought that the muggles named their clothing the weirdest names, a number of black rubber bracelets on her right arm with a plain brown leather band on the left, and her trusty old sneakers. combing her fingers through her hair as she looked in the mirror to make sure every strand was in place, Heidi debated on whether or not to change her hair back to it's natural color. Tracey liked the brown, but Heidi had always had a tradition of keeping it blonde on game days and, though she wanted to change it for Tracey, didn't want to have to explain to the others why she decided to break said tradition. Something told her that Tracey would understand, after all, the Slytherin was the one who called for secrecy, and telling everyone that she changed her hair because the other girl liked it better wasn't exactly subtle.

    Slipping her wand in her pocket, Heidi gave one last look over in the mirror before heading out of the locker room.

    Upon exiting, Heidi glanced around before her eyes quickly locked on a familiar blonde in the almost deserted hallway. She walked to the figure and smiled. "Hey." She spoke smoothly, hands stuffed in her pockets. "So, did you enjoy the game alright?"

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