November 2020



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November 28th, 2014

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Welcome Post 2014

Welcome back, everyone!
As you can tell from this post, we shall be having Adventdrabbles again this year! *g*

For those who may be new to the com, we are open during the Advent season and we welcome submission related to all fandoms, all pairings, genfic, art, whatever you'd like to contribute. You can see the fandoms we already list at our Welcome Post, where, incidentally, you'll also find the rules (such at they are). If you have any new fandoms you'd like added to our list, please comment on that post and I shall take care of it.

Once again, we'll be operating in the same way this year as we have every other year. The plan? Write/draw/create for any fandom/original characters/rpf and post. That's all. The prompt I put up are just to inspire, if you already know what you want to do, feel free to ignore our suggestions. The whole idea is to HAVE FUN during Advent!

Later today I'll put up a post where anyone is welcome to leave prompt ideas. Its responses will be screened. Then, on the first day of Advent, I'll post the Advent Tree with prompt 1 and we'll be off and running. :) Because many of our members are in the UK, for the purposes of our com, I post new prompts as close as possible to midnight GMT, which means the first one will go up this Sunday at 6pm my time.

As always, we encourage you to Xpost your creations to IJ and DW as well, where our sister communities (run by the fabulous [info]beren_writes) reside.

Clear as mud? Awesome.
Any questions, please ask, and I hope we have lots of participation and fun this year!
Let's all have a fabulous time!

~Ali and Torino

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

2014 Prompt Post

Hello, Advent drabblers/drawblers/creators of all kinds!

This is our 2014 prompts post.

Please comment in response to this post with all your ideas for seasonal/holiday/Solstice/winter/Yule etc. prompts that we can use as inspiration to make up our advent calendar this year.
As always, the more the merrier! All comments are screened to allow things to be a surprise.

Our first prompt (which you can totally ignore if you wish) will go up Sunday evening at approximately midnight GMT. Once that's up, we can all then start posting our drabbles/drawbles.

And, as usual, the daily prompt posts will go up at as close to midnight GMT as I can manage, barring interference from work/RL.

Ready? Set? Excellent! Let's go!