November 2020



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November 30th, 2011

[info]alisanne in [info]adventdrabbles

Prompt 1, 2011

Welcome everyone. Time for our first prompt of 2011!

For those who may be new to our little fest, here's how it works.

Below is the Advent calendar in the form of a Christmas/Holiday tree. The link to each day's prompt is highlighted by the spot on the tree where you see sparkling (to make it more easily visible). Just to be clear, the tree itself isn't the prompt (although you could use it as one if you like), and the prompts can be seen by clicking the numbers corresponding to the day of Advent we're in. As we're going into December first, this is the first day of Advent.
Just to reiterate, you don't HAVE to use the prompts, they are just here for anyone who who'd like some inspiration. Use it or not, the only rule is to have fun!

And, as in previous years, I'll try to post prompts as close to Midnight GMT (6pm Central) as I can.

Our first prompt this year comes from the lovely [info]calanor! Thank you, my dear. :)

So again, the blinking sparkly thingy is where the prompt is located. Just click there to see. Also, I will describe the prompt below the cut in the event the link doesn't work.

      12 18 22      
    15 20 17 09 05    
  03 19 23 13 01 11 07  
04 16 21 08 02 24 10 14 06

Or click here if the link doesn't work )

Have fun, everyone! I am very excited to see what you come up with. :)
And remember, if you've prompts to suggest, let me know HERE.