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[23 Feb 2012|05:32pm]

Sorry to everyone involved but things have gotten a bit complicated over the past week and a half or so. I've been dealing with being out of town, and then very sick, and now a death in the family, and with the game moving as slowly as it has been I feel it would be more proper to put it on hold for a bit. I apologize to the people who were interested in it and I hope to try again when things calm down a bit. Thank you for your interest and patience with how slow things have been.


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[13 Feb 2012|02:17pm]
Hello. My name is River. I found Avalon Apts. through browsing one of the advertising comms. I love original characters and fresh ideas.

So I am here and I am bringing in Mr. Emrys Renfrew. He's a 322 year old dragon from Wales. He has been wandering until 12 1/2 years ago. He has been living on the fifth floor of building since then. He's a grumpy/eccentric old dragon that is an almost shut-in. He does go out on consulting / appraising jobs in the city. His work and interests often leave him neglectful towards his sleeping and eating habits. He loved books, ancient languages, ancient cultures, antiques, quiet, and cats. Emrys is also a bit intolerant of stupidity and ignorance. But don't take it personally. He has trust issues and a mild case of PTSD.

Emrys' write up is here.

I'm most easily contacted via email, but I'm also on AIM.

So, I'm open to plotting and the like.

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[02 Feb 2012|07:59pm]
Just a heads up to everyone, but I'm going out of town for two weeks starting Saturday, so I might not be on quite as often, but I WILL have the intarwebs. In fact, both of the people I'll be staying with have to work during the day so chances are I'm going to be bored out of my mind during the week. If anyone would like to do some threads, do a few comment wars, or plot I would be happy to oblige!


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[29 Jan 2012|11:02am]

Hello everyone! I'm Emily and I'm obviously very new here. I saw avalon apartments advertised and I've been itching to play a supernatural character so here I am. I'm bringing Janis Ferguson, a young woman who had an unfortunate run in with a werewolf a couple of years ago and is now stuck turning into a wolf once a month. Thankfully she's got a good attitude for dealing with crap like that. She lives on the third floor, works as a delivery person for a Chinese take out and a part time store clerk at a bike shop so if your character like bikes, Chinese floor or the 3rd floor for some reason they could easily run into her. I've a character profile for her HERE which has all the same info as her application if you'd like to know more about her. I'm always open to plot so if you'd like to do anything with Janis, please let me know. The best ways to contact me are via email or my OOC contact post. I do have AIM but with timezones and my schedule it's hard to guarantee what times I'll be on.

I think that's everything I had to say and I can't wait to play with you all.

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[29 Jan 2012|12:28am]

We have a few new characters, so just a heads up to everyone to run the friend button! Also, just a reminder to get those OOC intros up!

- Ze Management

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[27 Jan 2012|03:28pm]

Erin again with character number three! Aki is the oldest vampire currently living at Avalon Apartments, and just happens to be going through his equivalent of a mid-life crisis (he's had several, this one is just the most recent). He's been around for nearly 400 years, which gives him plenty of time to get to know a myriad of other characters. While his age and status are somewhat intimidating (and he can be kind of a creepy ass) he's fairly social and does like to keep the friends he's made over the years fairly close. Unlike a lot of other vampires he isn't particularly prickly toward werewolves but he isn't all that fond of humans, supernaturally enhanced or otherwise.

If anyone would like to plot you know where to find me!

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OOC Post [27 Jan 2012|10:17am]

Hey, this is Kris! I currently have two characters here.
My first character, Amalia (right here), is a Hungarian vampire who is mostly pretty nice, but has a pretty creepy way of acquiring her blood meals that it's best that you don't dwell on. (She owns low-rent apartments near local colleges and universities and rents them out to young women, which she then charms and feeds upon.) But really, she's quite pleasant to most folks! My other character, Jahan, is a weretiger and a generally distinguished fellow who lives in the VIP portions of the Estates. For the most part, he's quite a gentlemanly fellow, but if anyone's mean to his little matagot adoptive son, well, there might be trouble! He can be found at <lj user=thetyger>.

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[25 Jan 2012|01:30pm]
Hi everyone! Erin here finally doing my official intro for plot and whatnot!

Currently I have two kids. Shane ([info]notalizard) is the owner and bartender of The Brass Scale, the pub on the first level of Avalon Apartments. He's been living at AA for several years now. Chances are he would know most, if not all of the tenants in the building. He's a relatively old and powerful dragon, knowledgeable, and is also the buildings semi-secret "obtainer of goods". I currently have a few lines of plot with him but I'm always looking for more! His information can be found here!

My second kid is Caleb (at this journal) who is a bicycle courier in the city. He was raised by Jahan ([info]thetyger) after a few years in foster care, and has been living in AA with Jahan, and then on his own, for several years. He's a matagot, but he's has little to no control over his actual luck abilities. His information can be found here!

I already have a few lines of plot for both of these guys but, as always, I'd love more!

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[25 Jan 2012|01:20pm]

We're now officially OPEN! Everyone feel free to post ooc introductions, remember to run the friend add button, and have a good time! If you have any questions feel free to reply to this post, hit up the Drop Box" or contact me on AIM!

Happy playing!

- Ze Management

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