
Recent Entries

July 16th, 2015

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Who: Damon, Enzo, and Rebekah
Where: A local bar
When: Week 19?, Friday evening
What: Playing pool and drinking too much
Rating: Highish? Unknown
Status: Closed/In progress

Three's company, too. )

March 10th, 2015

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WHO: Damon and Enzo
WHEN: Week 15, Sunday Jan 3
WHERE: A particular side street in Naples, Italy
WHAT: It's time for Enzo to face some ghosts from the past
RATING: Mentions of child abuse and other nasty things
STATUS: Complete/closed

But there’s nowhere to hide from the ghost in my mind / It’s cold in these bones – of a man and a child / And there’s no one who knows, and there’s nowhere to go / There’s no one to see who can see to my soul )

January 31st, 2015

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The Hiddekel Island light festival takes place between the beautiful waters of Gihon Lake and the sleepy marina village of Asal. Island officials have commissioned a certain number of slaves to create impressive light displays and painstakingly decorate the trees surrounding one of the foremost nature paths that encircles the lake. Merchants have been invited to pitch craft tents about the entrances and rest areas along the path, although it's been whispered that a certain percentage of their proceeds must find its way back into council pockets. The werefolk have agreed to keep their distance from the event on the night of the full moon, but how well they listen remains to be seen...

[ This event spans the entire ingame week; therefore, players are greatly encouraged to take advantage of it! However, in order to avoid accidental "double booking", so to speak, players are advised to specify the date in the title of their threads in addition to the characters involved. ]

January 15th, 2015

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WHO: Damon, Enzo, Jamie
WHEN: Week 10, Tuesday night (can we just pretend I remembered the placeholder)
WHERE: Damon's house, Jamie's room
WHAT: Damon and Enzo prove they are the ultimate tag team, Jamie gets all the rewards.
RATING: High as balls
STATUS: Closed | In progress.

Meet Denzie )

December 6th, 2014

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Who: Denzo
What: Being Human
Where: Casa Salvatore to start
When: Friday, mid morning Week 9
Rating: Let's just start out high
Status: In Progress

Being human doesn't change the fact that they were still always hungry. )

October 23rd, 2014

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WHO: Salvatore Brothers
WHERE: Stables
WHEN: Week 7; Tuesday, afternoon
WHAT: Stefan has been attempting to avoid, but it's pretty easy to find him.
STATUS: In progress

our love was in the hall, all packed in boxes. )

October 21st, 2014

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WHO: Malena Valle and Open
WHEN: Week 7, Friday Night
WHERE: Malena Valle's home
WHAT: A bride of Dracula misses having bloody parties and is throwing one she'd enjoy
RATING: Could get very high
STATUS: Open, In progress
Come on in, the O Positive is fine )

October 1st, 2014

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WHO: Damon, Stefan, Arik, Claudia
WHEN: Week 6, Wednesday evening
WHERE: Arik's house
WHAT: The most awkward birthday dinner ever.
STATUS: Closed/In progress

Happy Birthday too you. Happy Birthday to you. )

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WHO: Enzo and Damon
WHEN: Week 6, Tuesday evening
WHERE: The streets of Jannati
WHAT: Feeding, murder of a stranger, s-e-x, bloodsharing
STATUS: Closed/Complete

Here we are, born to be kings. We're the princes of the universe. )

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WHO: Jamie Monroe and OPEN
WHEN: Week 6, Wednesday late morning, around 10:30am
WHERE: Damon Salvatore's home
WHAT: Jamie's bored and actually doing something productive, like rearranging the library
STATUS: OPEN, in progress

She'd probably get in trouble for touching her master's belongings, but it just made sense to organize it all... )

September 11th, 2014

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WHO: Stefan, Arik, & Claudia
WHERE: The Viper's Nest
WHEN: Week 5; Wednesday, night
WHAT: The slaves are forcing Arik to have a day off.
RATING: high
STATUS: in progress


September 4th, 2014

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WHO: Stefan & Damon
WHERE: Damon's house, library
WHEN: Week 4; Wednesday, Evening
WHAT: Damon tells a story
STATUS: Closed

When Damon kept something to himself, it was big. Ghosts of the past come out to play. )

August 22nd, 2014

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WHO: Damon & Stefan Salvatore
WHERE: Arik’s house
WHEN: Week 3, Monday evening
WHAT: Sex and talk, but mostly sex
STATUS: Complete

is this the state of so-called pleasure // or just a break in heavy weather )

August 17th, 2014

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WHO: Damon and Godric
WHEN: Week Three, Sunday Early Evening
WHERE: Damon's House
WHAT: Damon brings home another slave
STATUS: Closed/In-progress

Titles are a little fuzzy, lines are definitely blurred. Maybe that is what we both need. )

August 5th, 2014

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Who: Enzo and Damon
Where: Damon's house
When: Week 3. Weds. Later afternoon.
Rating: Mild violence, seeeeeex, feels
Status: Closed/COmplete

It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson )

July 31st, 2014

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WHO: Damon & Eric
WHERE: Jannati City, The Viper's Nest
WHEN: Week 2; Friday night - 8pm
WHAT: Old friends meeting up
STATUS: Closed & in progress

Two vampire gods walk into a bar. )
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