telesilla (![]() ![]() @ 2008-06-12 02:46:00 |
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Entry tags: | round four |
Prompt List: Round Four (S-Z and Crossovers)
As of now--11:07pm PST, Wednesday June 18--this round of the Porn Battle is over. Thank you for participating!
Okay, so far this is the Biggest Porn Battle Ever! Now it's your job to make sure it stays that way by writing as much porn as you possibly can. To help you (and you know, those of us in a fic challenge with a due date of Sunday--you know who you are), I'm going to give us all not one, but two extra days.
Yes, you heard it right! The deadline for Round Four is (roughly) midnight of Wednesday, June 18.
Because the prompt list is so long, I'm splitting it. This is the S-Z and Crossover Post. Characters, numbers and A-H prompts are here and the I-R prompts are here.
You must put the prompt in the subject header of your comment. If the prompt is too long, name the fandom and pairing and as much of the rest as you can. (This is so that at the end of the round, we can make a link back to your fic on the final Master List.)
Please check the list over and drop me a line on the prompt post if I missed your prompts. Also please note, briar_pipe was kind enough to give me a list of some of the full names of the various anime/manga prompts (if they're screwed up, it's my fault not hers). So if you used an abbreviation, your prompt may look a little different. I did make a few other changes involving abbreviations, Roman numerals and the word "the", so please check both lists before you ask me to repost a prompt. Spelling mistakes and the order of the names in a pairing/moresome were not changed so, to use SGA as an example, make sure you look for John/Rodney and Rodney/John.
Saber Rider and the Starsheriffs, Colt/Fireball, playing cowboy
Saber Rider and the Starsheriffs, Fireball/April, finally my love
Saber Rider and the Starsheriffs, Fireball/April, never enough
Saber Rider and the Starsheriffs, Jesse Blue/Fireball, chasing
Saber Rider and the Starsheriffs, Jesse/Colt, beloved foe
Saber Rider and the Starsheriffs, Saber/Sincia, never forget
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Kiijin/Reishin, your bare face, crossing boundaries
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Koucho/Shuurei, grooming as foreplay/a sign of affection
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu + Shuuei, voyeurism
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu + Shuuei, voyeurism
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, first meeting/prostitution.
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, first meeting/prostitution.
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, fucking in the rain
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, fucking in the rain
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, one blanket
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, one blanket
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, public display of ownership
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, public display of ownership
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Reishin/Kouyuu, the hidden room at the center of the compound
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Rin Sai/Koucho, underground smuggling deals
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Ryuuren/Kouyuu, penetration with a foreign object
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Ryuuren/Kouyuu, penetration with a foreign object
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Enki, rumpling perfection
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Enki, sleeping rough
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Kouyuu, drunken, angry non-consensual sex.
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Kouyuu, drunken, angry non-consensual sex.
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Ryuuki, "there are no limits to my devotion to you"
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Ryuuki, the Emperor's wedding night
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Shuurei, first kiss
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Seiran/Shuurei, protector
Saiunkoku Monogatari, Shouka/Reishin, "how not to be an asshat"
Saiyuki (Gaiden), Tenpou/Konzen, Apathy
Saiyuki, Gojyo/Hakkai, backseat
Saiyuki, Gojyo/Hakkai, bets gone wrong
Saiyuki, Gojyo/Hakkai, I took out the damn trash
Saiyuki, Kanzeon Bosatsu/Jiroushin, fighting off boredom.
Saiyuki, Sanzo/Goku, "Get your fingers out of my ass."
Saiyuki, Sanzo/Goku, blind belief in you
Saiyuki, Sanzo/Goku, do it yourself
Samurai 7, Kambei/Kirara, comfort in contact
Samurai 7, Kambei/Kirara, first time
Samurai 7, Kambei/Kyuuzo, a jealous lover
Samurai 7, Kambei/Kyuuzo/Katsushiro, initiation rites
Samurai 7, Kambei/Shichiroji, 'old wife'
Samurai 7, Kambei/Shichiroji, knifeplay
Samurai Champloo, Jin/Mugen/Fuu, barren
Samurai Champloo, Jin/Mugen/Fuu, rustling leaves
Sandman, Desire/any, gender is a construct that never did constrain her
Sandman, Dream/Death, "When she comes with the ghost of a smile/ And she runs through his eyes for a while/ Days turn and even gods do fall"
Sandman, Dream/Death, the end of all things
Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensei, Itoshiki Nozomu/Kafuka Fuura, "he supposed it was better her than anyone else in the class..."
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Meru/anyone, dirty abusive text messages.
Scrubs, Cox/JD, sentimental
Seirei no Moribito, Balsa/Tanda, a tender tiger is still a tiger
Seirei no Moribito, ShugaTanda, the rewards of research
Shall we meet on the hilltop where the two roads meet. We will form the circle, hold our hands and chant, Let the great one know what it is we want. Danger is great joy, dark is bright as fire, Happy is our family, lonely is the ward.” Marianne Faithfull, Witches Song
Shaman King, Eliza/Faust, death isn't a barrier
Shaman King, Hao/Yoh, together
Sharpe, Sharpe/Harper, exploring
Sharpe, Sharpe/Harper, more options
Sharpe, Sharpe/Jack Spears, "all's for the best in the best of all possible worlds"
Sherlock Holmes, Holmes/Watson, Turkish baths
Sherlock Holmes, Holmes/Watson, waltz
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Cuvier/Jenna, D/s, crude yielding
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, David/Jenna, sex despite squick, avoiding his hands
Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga, Lupa/Gale, paint, tracing the mark of the Wolves
Shinobido, Goh/Zaji, alternate outfits
Shinobido, Goh/Zaji, rebuilding the clan
Shinobido, Goh/Zaji, stealth missions
Shounen Onmyouji, Guren/Masahiro/Akiko: he loved both of them equally, but in different ways
Simon & Simon, Rick/A.J., boots and suits
Simon & Simon, Rick/A.J., sharing a room, just like when we were boys
Simoun, Anubituf/Guragief, scar
Simoun: Wapourif/Morinas, geeking out over awesome machinery
Simpsons, Sideshow Bob/Bart, "never let you go"
Singin' In The Rain, Lina/Zelda, a real pal
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Bertilak/Sir Gawain, penalty
Smallville, Bart Allen/Clark Kent, mischief
Smallville, Clark Kent/Chloe Sullivan, trust
Smallville, Clark Kent/Lex Luthor, a way to forgive
Smallville, Clark/Lex, history lesson
Smallville, Clark/Lex, more than friends
Smallville, Clark/Lex, no one else understands
Smallville, Clark/Lex, red
Smallville, Lex/Kara, "you're like a brother to me"
Smallville, Lionel/Lana, revenge
Soldier of Fortune Inc, Margo/Benny Ray, helmet
Soldier of Fortune Inc, Margo/Benny Ray, release
Soldier of Fortune Inc, Matt/Benny Ray, brothers in arms
Soldier of Fortune Inc, Matt/Margo/Benny Ray, need
Soldier of Fortune Inc, Matt/Margo/Benny Ray, sweat
Son Of A Witch, Liir/Trism, homecoming
Son Of A Witch, Shell/Liir, good little soldier
Speed Racer, Detector/Speed, mussed
Speed Racer, Detector/X, mingle, “My work is my life.”
Speed Racer, Sparky/Speed, beck and call
Speed Racer, Sparky/Speed, dirty, “Pop open the hood, would you?”
Speed Racer, Sparky/Speed, milk
Speed Racer, Sparky/Speed/X, prize
Speed Racer, Sparky/Taejo, muscle
Speed Racer, Sparky/X, stubble
Speed Racer, Speed/Taejo, admiration
Speed Racer, Speed/X, adrenaline
Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, Cliff/Abel, Hatesex
Star Ocean: Til the End of Time, Cliff/Fayt/Albel, The buffer between them
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Albel/Fayt, "sneaking into the royal city"
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Albel/Fayt. "What's with the purple skirt thing anyway?"
Star Ocean:Till the end of time, Albel/Fayt, mating habits of those with an affinity to dragons
Star Ocean:Till the end of time, Cliff/Albel, clothing, “Aren’t your legs cold?”
Star Ocean:Till the end of time, Cliff/Fayt, comfort, chasing the bad dreams away
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Ezri/Kira, mirror
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Garak/Bashir, spy vs. spy
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Jadzia/Worf, disarmed
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Kira/Odo, first touch
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, O'Brien/Bashir, all in the wrist
Star Wars, Ferus/Obi-Wan, job
Star Wars, Ferus/Obi-Wan, sanctuary
Star Wars, Han/Lando, Corellian brandy
Star Wars, Han/Leia, first time
Star Wars, Obi-Wan/Padme, bodyguard
Star Wars, Obi-Wan/Padme, wild
Star Wars, Obi-Wan/Siri, lost
Star Wars, Obi-Wan/Siri, tease
Star Wars, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, nobody likes a sore loser
Star Wars, Wedge/Luke, penalties of rank
Star Wars: Anakin (solo!), practical applications of the Force
Star Wars: Anakin/Obi-wan, the benefits of impatience
Stargate SG-1: Daniel/Vala shopping, boots
Stargate SG-1: Daniel/Vala/Cameron/Sam/Teal'c "aliens made us do it"
Stargate: Atlantis, Any three or more female characters, Texas Hold 'Em
Stargate: Atlantis, Cadman/Brown, strawberry fields
Stargate: Atlantis, Chuck/anyone, fast and dirty in the gate room
Stargate: Atlantis, Elizabeth/Chuck, glass
Stargate: Atlantis, Esposito/Zelenka, electric
Stargate: Atlantis, Grodin/Beckett, night shift
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "But it's been no bed of roses/No pleasure cruise"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "I can't bear to hear your voice/It's tainted with his name"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "I touched the place where your hair had been/I pulled on the shirt that you left round mine"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "I've been trying hard to do what's right/But you know I could stay here all night and watch the clouds fall from the sky"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "I've been wandering round/But I still come back to you"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "She's a killer queen gunpowder gelatine/Dynamite with a lazer beam, guaranteed to blow your mind/Recommended at the price, insatiable an appetite"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "Slippin' in my faith until I fall"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "There's dust in my eyes, that blinds my sight/And silence that speaks so much louder that words/Of promises broken"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "Two bodies in motion/This is a matter of fact/It wasn't built to last"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, "You took me for everything that I had, and kicked me out on my own/Are you happy, are you satisfied?"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, school's out
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, scruffy looking
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, skeletons and closets
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney, the prettiest princess
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney: "I’m in love with illusions, so saw me in half."
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney: "It's like trying to clean the ocean. What do you think, you can drain it? Well, it was poison and dry long before you came."
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney: "It's the law of the land that sometimes the dam just breaks."
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney: "They warn you about killers and thieves and knives; I worry about cancer and living right. But my momma never warned me about my own destructive appetite."
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Rodney: "When you're sleeping with someone who doesn't get you, you're going to hate yourself in the morning."
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "And did they get you to trade/Your heros for ghosts?"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "And we can have forever/And we can love forever/Forever is our today"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "Give me one more chance tonight/And I swear I'll make it right"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "I feel the weight upon your kiss ambiguous"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "If you wanna have a good time just give me a call"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "Inside my heart is breaking/My make-up may be flaking/But my smile still stays on"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "It's a leap of faith towards a crash landing"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "Just because I'm sorry doesn't mean/I didn't enjoy it at the time"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "So that's what everybody on your planet does for entertainment?"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "Sometimes I feel I'm gonna break down and cry/Nowhere to go, nothing to do with my time/I get lonely, so lonely, living on my own"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "Sometimes I hate the line I walk"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "The fear of getting caught/Of recklessness and water"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "What's not to like?"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, "You're asking for commitment/When I'm somewhere in between"
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, late-night sparring
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, limber
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, new neighbor
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Ronon, viewer discretion is advised
Stargate: Atlantis, John/Teyla/Larrin, draw
Stargate: Atlantis, Kusanagi/Esposito, mentor
Stargate: Atlantis, Lorne/anyone, things you can't put on your resume
Stargate: Atlantis, McKay/Zelenka, speaking in tongues
Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Keller, "Come and take a swim with me/Don't you wanna feel my skin on your skin?/It's only natural"
Stargate: Atlantis, Ronon/Rodney/Jennifer, double penetration, "I would do anything / to tear you off your precious fence"
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Bates, take you down
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/John we who are about to die salute you
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Keller, inalienable rights
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Rodney/Ronon/John, boys of summer
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Rodney/Ronon/John, flying/driving, "as the rush comes"
Stargate: Atlantis, Teyla/Sora, "behind the prison tower"
Stigma, Stork/Tit, as long as you're here
Stigma, Stork/Tit, king of fools
Storm Hawks, Finn/Stork, precautions
Storm Hawks, Finn/Stork, wild, “You need to loosen up.”
Storm Hawks, Junko/Stork, different
Strangers With Candy, Cherry/Geoffrey, a perfect example
Strangers With Candy, Chuck/Geoffrey, D/s, Damn, that's a long lace!
Strangers With Candy (film), Alice/Blackman, "I think I've handled your pistol enough."
Strangers With Candy (film), Roger Beekamn/Chuck, "Crotch Niblet"
Suikoden I, Flik/Viktor, escape from Gregminster
Suikoden I, Odessa/Flik, your name on my sword
Suikoden II, Camus/Nanami, my lady is a rose
Suikoden II, Flik/Camus/Miklotov, "...and what would we call this group attack?"
Suikoden II, Flik/Hix, Warrior Village journey to manhood
Suikoden II, Flik/Viktor, sword polishing
Suikoden II, Flik/Viktor, What is it this time?
Suikoden II, Leon/Lucia, flirtation, strategic location
Suikoden II, Luc/Sheena, "I don't know why I put up with you."
Suikoden II, Miklotov/Camus, celebrating Camus’ promotion
Suikoden II, Sierra/Nash, biting kink
Suikoden II, Sierra/Nash, sarcasm used as affection
Suikoden II, Viktor/Flik, Do you hear the drums, Fernando? / I remember long ago another starry night like this.
Suikoden II, Viktor/Flik, lion banner. ur doin it wrong.
Suikoden II: Riou/Eilie, welcome back/daggers
Suikoden III, Cecile/Thomas, not kids forever
Suikoden III, Chris/Borus, temperance
Suikoden III, Chris/Percival, strength
Suikoden III, Chris/Yun, arm entwined with mine we wander rainy forests, it might all just be a dream
Suikoden III, Geddoe/Joker, consequences
Suikoden III, Jacques/Aila, an honorary mercenary, an honorary Karayan
Suikoden III, Luc/Sarah, the scent of your hair, the sound of your step, that's enough for me
Suikoden III, Luc/Sasarai, Like looking in a mirror
Suikoden III, Nash/Chris, magician
Suikoden III, Nash/Sasarai, "When I said 'my wife,' I really meant 'my boss.'"
Suikoden III, Nash/Sierra, white and pale like the moon
Suikoden III, Perceival/Borus, It was always best after the battle
Suikoden III, Percival/Borus, dancing, Percival teaching Borus
Suikoden III, Percival/Chris, his humor spoke volumes
Suikoden III, Percival/Chris/Borus, anything you ask
Suikoden III, Percival/Chris/Borus, Come on now try and understand / The way I feel under your command
Suikoden III, Yuber/Thomas, breaking innocence, “Give me your cries, they are like music to my ears.”
Suikoden III: Caesar/Apple, age difference
Suikoden III: Geddoe/Queen, worth it/secrets
Suikoden III: Percival/Chris, the one who dared/the charmer/unexpected
Suikoden IV, Tal/Kenneth/Lazlo/Snowe, clothing, pirate bondage boy!
Suikoden V, Dolph/Gizel, Following orders
Suikoden V, Ferid/Arshtat, "I no longer care about holding up appearances."
Suikoden V, Georg/Sialeeds, actions speak louder than words
Suikoden V, Gizel/Sialeeds, like a spider and a butterfly, I wrap you in my lies
Suikoden V, Lucretia/Lelei, a maiden's heart
Suikoden V, Oboro/Raven, Stopping a problem before it starts
Suikoden V, Oboro/Shigure, Nether Gate days
Suikoden V, Oboro/Taylor, drink to old times
Suikoden V, Shigure/Sagiri, Trying to break that smile
Suikoden V: Roy/Lyon, about damn time/similar but not the same
Suikoden, Alen/Grenseal, turning colors & turning coats
Suikogaiden: Nash/Sierra, in the middle of the night
Sunshine, Sunshine/Con, interspecies interaction
Superman Returns, Clark/Lois/Richard, understanding
Superman Returns, Clark/Richard, business trip
Superman Returns, Lois/Richard, forever
Superman Returns, Lois/Richard, reliable
Superman Returns, Lois/Richard, wedding
Supernatural, Andy Gallagher/Tracey (from Simon Said)-roomande, firsts
Supernatural, bobby, hunter culture
Supernatural, bobby, hunter culture
Supernatural, Dean à Metallicar, reunited
Supernatural, Dean Winchester/ Ruby, Angry sex
Supernatural, Dean, that vibrating bed
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, languid
Supernatural, Dean/Sam, live a little
Supernatural, Detective Hendrickson FBI/Nancy, frantic, life affirming sex
Supernatural, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, first time
Supernatural, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, toys and games
Supernatural, John Winchester/Yellow-Eyed Demon, sympathy for the devil
Supernatural, John/Bobby, stings like alcohol
Supernatural, John/Dean, sulphur
Supernatural, Ruby/Bela Talbot, love/hate, frustration
Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Bela Talbot, seduction
Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Bobby Singer, finding comfort in familiarity
Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester, blindfold
Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester, bondage
Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester, vibrator
Supernatural, Sam Winchester/Meg Masters, wild night
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, be nice for once
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, blow up the outside world
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, bootkink
Supernatural, Sam/dean, curios
Supernatural, Sam/dean, curios
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, fisting, trust issues
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, fisting, trust issues
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, interstate love song
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, learn to serve
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, little brother blues
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, the day I tried to live
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, while the blood runs warm in your veins
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, wrong kind of angel
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, zombie apocalypse
Superntural, Bobby Singer/Jo Harvelle, Rescue you and me, closeness, tenderness
Tactics, Haruka/Kantarou, flying
Tactics, Haruka/Kantarou, tooth and claw
Tactics, Haruka/Youko, Stress relief
Tactics, Kantarou/Haruka, Look, he's blushing!
Tales of Destiny, Stahn/Leon, "Just as I would never admit our friendship, I would never speak of this."
Tales of Destiny II (Tales of Eternia), Farah/Meredy, trying on clothes/dressing and undressing
Tales of Symphonia, Kratos/Anna, Is this love?
Tales of Symphonia, Kratos/Zelos, beautiful
Tales of Symphonia, Kratos/Zelos, passionate
Tales of Symphonia, Kratos/Zelos, taken
Tales of Symphonia, Mithos/Genis, first love
Tales of the Abyss, Frings/Peony, a dutiful man in uniform
Tales of the Abyss, Jade/Luke, check-up
Tales of the Abyss, Jade/Peony, "Alone at last."
Tales of the Abyss, Sync/Ion, "make me complete"
Temeraire (series), Temeraire/Laurence, xeno, spoiling him rotten
Temeraire, Temeraire/William Laurence, sponge bath
Tenchi Muyo!, Kiyone/Mihoshi, karaoke
Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi/Ryoko, graduation
Tenchi Muyo!, Tenchi/Ryoko/Aeka, picnic
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Adiane/Cytomander/Viral, pet names
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Adiane/Viral, a belled collar
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Simon/Nia, cockpit sex
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Simon/Viral, Viral trying on those glasses
Terra E... Blue/Jomy, rest and reflection.
Terra E... Blue/Keith, long-distance confrontation.
Terra E... Matsutaka/Keith, fealty has its price.
Terra E... Shiroe/Keith, fever dreams.
The Authority: Apollo/Midnighter; What's in a name?
The Black Jewels Trilogy, Daemon/Lucivar, incest, there once was a time when they didn't know they were brothers.
The Black Jewels Trilogy, Dorothea/Hekatah, bondage, an exercise in discipline.
The Black Jewels Trilogy, Janelle/Karla: “Shall I see tonight sister, bathed in magic greet
The Black Jewels Trilogy, Karla/Wilhelmina: After the poison.
The Chronicles of Narnia, Caspian/Edmund, hero worship
The Chronicles of Narnia, Caspian/Edmund, keeping quiet on the boat
The Chronicles of Narnia, Edmund/Caspian, staying behind, even the most honorable king needs someone to do the necessary, unpleasant little tasks
The Chronicles of Narnia, Edmund/visiting noble, scandal
The Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Caspian, battle
The Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Caspian, neither were lions in the dark
The Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Caspian, relief
The Chronicles of Narnia, Peter/Edmund, thrones
The Chronicles of Narnia, Susan/anybody, I'll come back when you call me/No need to say goodbye
The Chronicles of Narnia, Susan/Caspian, adrenaline
The Chronicles of Narnia, Susan/Caspian, even the stars are different in Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia, Susan/Caspian, lie back and think of England
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Caspian/Edmund, dueling partners
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Caspian/Peter, Queen's Lust
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Caspian/Peter/Susan, shared lovers
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Caspian/Susan, outside Narnia
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Peter/Caspian, Back in the real world.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Peter/Caspian, Sword fighting.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Peter/Caspian, Working out the tension.
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, Peter/Susan, alone as two
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Edmund/The White Witch: Sweet and sticky like Turkish Delight.
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Edmund/The White Witch: Uncommon kindness, uncommon cruelty.
The Chronicles of Narnia:The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Edmund/The White Witch: Ice cold fingers.
The Chronicles Of Prydain, Gwydion/Eilonwy, hero-worship
The Chronicles of Riddick, Kyra/Riddick: animals in the dark, "Just shut up."
The Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick/Lady Vaako, Vaako: doing his duty as a breeder, Making Vaako watch seemed to really turn her on.
Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick/Purifier: pack mentality, He had no choice but to submit to the stronger male.
The Demon Ororon, Othello/Mitsume (or Futaba), desperation
The Demon Ororon, Shiro/Lika, catscratches
The Dresden Files (books), Karrin/Harry, Hands, A rift in time/space.
The Dresden Files [TV], Harry/Bob, talking dirty
The Dresden Files [TV], Harry/Morgan, not what I wanted
The Enigma, Enigma/Michael, touch
The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Blondie/Angel Eyes, don't think this means I'll hesitate
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Arthur/Ford, customs
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Zaphod/Ford, two heads are better than one
The L Word, Lara/Alice: Exhibitionism, Comfort that won't betray.
The Matrix, Smith/Neo, tentacles
The Nines, Gary/Delivery Boy, can I have your autograph?
The Nines, Gary/Gavin/Gabriel, it's like the end of the world
The Prestige, Borden/Angier: If I could I would make you disappear.
The Prestige, Borden/Angier: Smoke and mirrors.
The Princess Bride, Fezzik/Inigo, in verse
The Road to El Dorado, Miguel/Tulio, "Where you going?"/"Barcelona"/"Oh"/"Don't get up"
The Road to El Dorado, Chel/Migel/Tulio, mine
The Road to El Dorado, Miguel/Tulio, cuddle
The Rose Of Versailles, Oscar/Rosalie: a working-class hero is something to be.
The Silmarillion, Morgoth/Sauron, master
The Silmarillion, Sauron/Ar-Pharazon, seduction
The Tick, Tick/Arthur, kind of a mustache feeling
The Tick, Tick/Arthur, Not in the face!
The Tick, Tick/Arthur, Spoon!
The Venture Bros, Brock/Molotov, bloodplay
The Venture Bros, Brock/Molotov, bondage
The Venture Bros, Brock/Molotov, cigarette burn
The Venture Bros, Brock/Molotov, Let's spend the night together/Now I need you more than ever
The Venture Bros, Dr. Girlfriend/The Monarch, real names
The Venture Bros, Dr. Venture/Myra, robot explosions
The Venture Bros, Sergeant Hatred/Princess Tinyfeet, granola
The Venture Bros., Billy Quizboy/Pete White, freaks
The Venture Bros., Brock/Hank, education
The Venture Bros., Brock/Rusty, crush
The Venture Bros., Dean/Triana, dominatrix
The Venture Bros., Doctor Girlfriend/The Monarch, plotting
The Venture Bros., Dr. Girlfriend/anyone, "on a hot summer night"
The Venture Bros., Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend, "Caught in the act"
The Venture Bros., Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend, "Want to do it on his bed?"
The Venture Bros., Phantom Limb/Queen Etherea, "hatred"
The Venture Bros., Phantom Limb/Queen Etherea, "So what do you do with all these sciencey gadgets, anyway?"
The Venture Brothers: The Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend, epic fail
The Venture Brothers: The Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend, old married couple
The Venture Brothers: The Monarch/Dr. Girlfriend, trying out a new outfit
The Venture Bros, Brock/Molotov, cherry bomb
The Venture Bros, Dr. Girlfriend/Monarch, flying
The Venture Bros, Dr. Girlfriend/Monarch, new costumes
The Venture Bros, Girl Hitler/Catclops, remodeling
The Venture Bros,, Brock/Mol, spank.
The Venture Bros,, Mol/Brock, Mol on top
The Venture Bros., Brock/Molotov, Led Zeppelin
The Vision of Escaflowne, Alan/Van, temptation, wing!kink
The Vision of Escaflowne, Dilandau/Miguel, earning his stripes
The Vision of Escaflowne, Van/Escaflowne, in dreams, we're dragons, xeno
The Vision of Escaflowne: Van/Hitomi, finally together/the power of a wish
The Wallflower: Kyohei/Sunako, the last fight
The West Wing, Josh/Donna, overslept
The West Wing, Josh/Donna, shoes
There Will Be Blood Daniel/Eli Drink that Milkshake
There Will Be Blood, Daniel Plainview/Fletcher Hamilton, a steady hand
There Will Be Blood, Daniel Plainview/H.B. Ailman, the worst in people
Tokyo Babylon (or X/1999), Seishirou/Subaru, vines as tentacles, abrading violation
Tokyo Babylon, (Seishiro/)Subaru, bondage, wet dream
Tokyo Babylon, (Seishiro/)Subaru, bondage, wet dream
Tokyo Babylon, (Subaru/Hokuto)/Seishiro, A birthday present to remember
Tokyo Babylon, (Subaru/Hokuto)/Seishiro, A birthday present to remember
Tokyo Babylon, Seishiro/Subaru, handkink
Tokyo Babylon, Seishiro/Subaru, handkink
Tokyo Babylon, Seishiro/Subaru/Hokuto, dubcon, for his own good
Tokyo Babylon, Seishiro/Subaru/Hokuto, dubcon, for his own good
Tokyo Babylon, Seishirou/Subaru/(Hokuto?), sizekink, "I'll bet you could manage both of us if you wanted!"
Tokyo Babylon, Subaru, caught in the act, --in Seishirou's apartment
Tokyo Babylon, Subaru/Hokuto, grooming as a sign of affection
Tokyo Babylon, Subaru/Hokuto, grooming as a sign of affection
Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru, in front of a mirror
Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru, transmissible desire, "This stone not only attracts iron rings, but also imparts to them a similar power of attracting other rings; and sometimes you may see a number of pieces of iron and rings suspended from one another so as to form quite a long chain: and all of them derive their power of suspension from the original stone."
Tokyo Babylon, X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru/(Tokyo), exposure
Torchwood: Ianto/Jack ties
Torchwood: Ianto/Jack/Tosh comfort, candle, champagne
Trinity Blood, Abel/Astha, revelation, "My humanity was assumed"
Trinity Blood, Abel/Cain, bloodplay
Trinity Blood, Abel/Isaak, fun with shadows
Trinity Blood, Abel/Vaclav, in you I taste god
Trinity Blood, Cain/Abel, Who's on top today, brother?
Trinity Blood, Catarina/Abel, "His Crusnik side always facinated her."
Trinity Blood, Caterina/Abel, a parting of ways
Trinity Blood, Isaak/Dietrich, "the puppetmaster dances on another's strings"
Trinity Blood, Radu/Ion, Let me take care of you
Trinity Blood, Tres/Abel, I don't think the altar is to be utilized for that purpose
Trinity Blood, Tres/Leon, Beauty is Beauty
Trinity Blood, William/Kate, voyeurism, "why don't you come down here and --"
Trinity Blood: Leon/Abel; Serving Time.
Trinity Blood: Seth/Catarina; Pretty little things.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, Yasha-ou/Ashura-ou, nights full of flowers
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "Everything is painted in wounds"
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "I'll fall from your grace, but I'll never let go of your hand"
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "That taste on your tongue, don't easily slip away"
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "The end means we'll be killed"
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "You hold up a bloodstained hand"
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "you make me whole"
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE, Kurogane/Fai, "your eyepatch is damn sexy"
Twelve Kingdoms, Gyousou/Risai, Absence diminishes little passions and increases great ones, as wind extinguishes candles and fans a fire.
Twelve Kingdoms, Gyousou/Taiki, the winters in Tai are cold
Twelve Kingdoms, Youko/Keiki, thus, treasured
Twelve Kingdoms, Youko/Rakushun, difference conscious
V, Ham/Julie, bath
V, Ham/Julie, dirt
V, Ham/Julie, reunion
Vagrant Story, Ashley/Sydney, Metal limbs + Magnetic Blocks = ?
Vagrant Story, Ashley/Tia, if there are ghosts to raise
Vagrant Story, Ashley/Tia, if there are ghosts to raise
Vagrant Story, Duane/Grissom, a matter of utmost delicacy
Vagrant Story, Grissom/Samantha, reincarnated but haunted by the past
Vagrant Story, Mullenkamp/Sydney, act of contrition
Vagrant Story, Neesa/Samantha, "And dark is the path travelled after the storm"
Vagrant Story, Neesa/Samantha, "And dark is the path travelled after the storm"
Vagrant Story, Neesa/Samantha, the man stood between them, even though he wasn't there
Vagrant Story, Sydney/Hardin, the Gods toy with us
Vagrant Story: Romeo/Jan, Sadism, Ulterior motives.
Vagrant Story: Sydney/Ashely/Hardin; The Lord has tastes.
Vagrant Story: Sydney/Ashley; Cleaning the altar.
Vagrant Story: Sydney/Hardin; I chose this path.
Vampire Knight, Aidou/Zero (or Zero/Aidou), Cornered and desperate
Vampire Knight, Kaname/Aidou, Grateful servitude
Vampire Knight, Kaname/Ichijou, What would I do without you?
Vampire Knight, Kaname/Zero, "Let me teach you the meaning of gratitude." "Let me teach you the meaning of a gun to the face!"
Vampire Knight, Kaname/Zero, "You know who your true master is, don't you?"
Vampire Knight, Yuuki/Maria: Dark chocolate and red wine
Vampire Knight, Yuuki/Maria: Lilac Wine
Vampire Knight, Zero/Yuuki, blood-letting
Vampire Knight: Zero/Yuuki, creature of the night
Vanity Fair, Becky/Amelia. The power of orange knickers.
Vorkosigan Saga, Ivan/By, undercover
Vorkosigan Verse, Elli/Taura, mountain climbing
Vorkosigan Verse, Ethan/Terrence, sanctuary
Vorkosigan Verse, Miles/Bel, stunned
Warcraft, Sylvanas/Kael, life after death
Weiß Kreuz, Aya/Yohji/Ken/Omi, "Don't ever start a band."
Weiß Kreuz, Farfarello/Aya-chan, Stolen little princess
Weiß Kreuz, Nagi/Shuldig, Everything you touch you don't feel / do not know what you steal
Weiß Kreuz, Schuldig/Ken, Euro 2008, no one can see us; trust me
Weiß Kreuz, Yohji/Ken, You got sirens for a welcome / there's bloodstain for your pain / and your telephone's been ringing / while you're dancing in the rain
Weiß Kreuz: Ran/Sakura, alive/waited for so long
Wicked (book), Frexpar/Turtle Heart/Melena, sharing is caring
Wild Adapter, Kubota/Tokito, always trying something new
Wild Adapter, Kubota/Tokito, fallen angels
Wild Arms V, Rebecca/Avril, "Will you cry for me too, someday?"
Willy Wonka, Charlie/Willy, And then years pass and things happen
Witch Hunter Robin, Amon/Michael, hero worship
Witch Hunter Robin, Amon/Robin, Eve
Witch Hunter Robin, Amon/Robin, liturgical Latin
Witch Hunter Robin, Karasuma/Dojima, gloves
Witch Hunter Robin, Sakaki/Michael, we're being taped
Wolf's Rain, Kiba/Tsume, I hate you. I love you.
Wolf's Rain, Kiba/Tsume, Who's alpha leader?
Wolf’s Rain, Toboe/Tsume, remember
X-Files, Mulder/Doggett, love potion #XIV-999 Trial #1
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek, elegance
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek, love potion #XIV-999 Trial #2
X-Files, Mulder/Krycek/Skinner, restitution
X-Files, Mulder/Skinner, love potion #XIV-999 Trial #3
X-Files: Mulder/Scully; When faith fails, believe in me.
X-Men (Movieverse) Wolverine/Angel, outsider/Blame Game
X-Men comics, Wolverine/Gambit, card tricks
X-Men comics, Wolverine/Gambit, edge of darkness
X-Men comics, Wolverine/Gambit, striptease
X-Men, Gambit/Rogue, poker
X-Men, Wolverine/Gambit, "give up yet?"
X-men, Wolverine/Gambit, guarded
X-Men, Wolverine/Gambit, road trip
X-men, Xavier/Magneto, no sympathy
X (TV), Hokuto/Kakyou, mindsex, "in these dreams of mine"
X (TV), Seishirou/Subaru, struggle
X (TV), Sorata/Arashi, by storm
X (TV), Yuzuriha/Kusanagi, protector
X/1999, Aoki/Karen, pity, "you can tell your wife"
X/1999, Kanoe/Satsuki/BEAST, overstimulation, "give her something physical to think about"
X/1999, Keiichi/Kamui, shower, is this normal?
X/1999, Seishibana/Subaru, Genderswitch!AU, shibari
X/1999, Seishibana/Subaru, Genderswitch!AU, shibari
X/1999, Seishiro/Subaru, "And that silky thing there is your heart."
X/1999, Seishiro/Subaru, "And that silky thing there is your heart."
X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru, collar, good dog
X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru, fetishizing old wounds, blood on the leaves, blood on the root
X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru, orgasm denial, and I control you
X/1999, Seishirou/Subaru, Stockholm Syndrome
X/1999, Sorata/Arashi, sticky, "as if everything about him was keeping her here"
X/1999, Subaru, BDSM club, want what you can't have
X/1999, Subaru/Seishirou: Genderswitch, Cherry chapstick.
X/1999, Tohru/Saya, fearless
X/1999, Tohru/Saya, one last time
X/1999, Yuuto/Kanoe, decadent sensuality
Xenogears, Bart/Billy, a gear cockpit built for two
Xenogears, Bart/Billy, let me take you to my home amidst the desert sand, midnight at the oasis
Xenogears, Bart/Billy, penitence
Xenogears, Bart/Margie, all the hardships were halved when we shared them
Xenogears, Bart/Sigurd. Insistence on insomnia.
Xenogears, Billy/Bart. Confessions and lamentations.
Xenogears, Billy/Margie, the faith that sustains us
Xenogears, Citan/Fei, Hm! Doc's giant telescope is trained on... my bathroom window?
Xenogears, Dominia/Kelvena, locker room arguments.
Xenogears, Id/Fei, Paint.
Xenogears, ID/Fei, The face looking back in the mirror
Xenogears, Jessie/Billy, Probably not at all a good idea
Xenogears, Krelian/Lacan. "An artist's hands weren't meant for wielding weapons."
Xenogears, Krelian/Ramsus, Disposable
Xenogears, Krelian/Ramsus, Father of mine / Tell me how do you sleep / With the children you abandoned
Xenogears, Sigurd/Bart, braided hair & braided leather & braided bloodlines
Xenogears, Sigurd/Bart, Protective
Xenogears, Sigurd/Bart, whip scars
Xenosaga, Albedo/Jr. "Run him like a blade/To and through the heart"
Xenosaga, Albedo/Margulis: Now we're gonna be face-to-face/I'm gonna lay down in my favorite place/ Now I wanna be your dog.
Xenosaga, Citrine/Gaignun. Following family orders.
Xenosaga, Dmitri Yuriev/Juli Mizrahi, "but these are terrible times."
Xenosaga, Gaignun/Mary/Shelly, under the rose.
Xenosaga, Jr/Momo, you've seen my highest highs and lowest lows
Xenosaga, White Testament/Red Testament. Color-coded proxies.
Xenosaga, Wilhelm/Yeshua/Mary. An unbalanced syzygy. (
Xenosaga, Yuli/Ziggy, the little things that make your day, even just a smile
XKCD, girl/self, masturbation, "as a rule, gamer girls do not exist"
XKCD, stickman/girl, "inertia is a property of matter"
XKCD, stickman/girl, ways to turn the most innocuous of code into something dirty
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, frilly dresses
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, hush
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, intent
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, memory loss
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, shadow
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, the last wish
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, unintended consequences
xxxHolic, Doumeki/Watanuki, Would you stop that?
xxxHOLiC, Doumeki/Watanuki/Himawari, can't tell our skin apart
xxxHOLiC, Doumeki/Watanuki/Himawari, entangled/bound
xxxHolic, Mugetsu/Watanuki, "Don't you ♥ at me! You know exactly what you're doing!"
xxxHolic, Watanuki/Haruka, cigarette smoke
xxxHolic, Watanuki/Haruka, the best part is how he's nothing like Doumeki
xxxHolic, Yuuko/Watanuki, metamorphosis
xxxxHolic, Clow/Yuuko, ghosts and dreams
Yakitate!! Japan, Kawachi/Azuma, "That bread is good for, What?!!"
Yami no Matsuei, (Muraki/)Hisoka, wetdreams
Yami no Matsuei, (Muraki/)Tsuzuki/Hisoka, marks of ownership
Yami no Matsuei, Byakko/Touda, playtime, or "a cat's midnight crazies"
Yami no Matsuei, Byakko/Touda, tales of tails
Yami no Matsuei, Byakko/Touda, wrapped around his tail
Yami no Matsuei, Byakko/Tsuzuki, cat and mouse
Yami no Matsuei, Byakko/Tsuzuki, fools and children
Yami no Matsuei, Byakko/Tsuzuki, purrrrrrfect!
Yami no Matsuei, Hisoka/Tatsumi, "A sense of propriety is necessary at a time like this."
Yami no Matsuei, Hisoka/Tsuzuki, BDSM with Hisoka on top
Yami no Matsuei, Hisoka/Tsuzuki, Why'd you have to be so cute? / It's impossible to ignore you / Must you make me laugh so much / Bad enough we get along so well
Yami no Matsuei, Kijin/Touda, teenage rebellion
yami no Matsuei, Muraki(/Hisoka/Tsuzuki/Oriya/etc as desired) the harem AU
Yami no Matsuei, Muraki/Oriya, kite strings & carp banners
Yami no Matsuei, Muraki/Tsuzuki, "The way you beg for it, and walk away without a mark"
Yami no Matsuei, Oriya/Muraki, pretty broken things"
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Hisoka, replacement
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, dirty little secret
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, draconic affinity
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, give in to me
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, out of the dark
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, severed bonds
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, too many walls
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda, war and peace
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda/Tsuzuki, resistance is futile
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Touda/Tsuzuki, time, love and tenderness
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Tsuzuki, business as usual
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Tsuzuki, irresponsible behaviour
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Tsuzuki, protecting what's most precious
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Tsuzuki, ridiculously romantic
Yami no Matsuei, Souryuu/Tsuzuki, you don't have to fear me
Yami no Matsuei, Tatsuki/Watari, an only partially-successful potion
Yami no Matsuei, Tatsumi/Watari, scandalous
Yami no Matsuei, Tatsumi/Watari, shadow-bondage
Yami no Matsuei, Tenkuu/Touda, darkness and shadows
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Byakko/Tsuzuki, truth or dare
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki, knowing each other
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki, sleepless, kindred spirits
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki, waiting for centuries
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki/Byakko, taking the pain away
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki/Byakko, worshipping their master
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki/Souryuu, comfort, warmth
Yami no Matsuei, Touda/Tsuzuki/Suzuka, clearing the air between us
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki, zombie apocalypse--He's pretty sure that somehow, this is all Muraki's fault.
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Hisoka/Touda, a heart as big as the world
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, eternal commitment
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, just say the word
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, make me feel alive
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, patience, what it means to not be human
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, playing with fire
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, save the best for last
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, tea-time
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Touda, there's no such thing as "enough"
Yami no Matsuei, Tsuzuki/Watari, food play
Yami no Matsuei, Watari/Tatsumi, fun with potions
Yotsuba&!, Kowai/Jumbo, sneaking around
Young Avengers, Billy/Teddy, first, “It doesn’t matter what we were before.”
Young Avengers, Billy/Teddy, whoa
Yu Yu Hakusho, Yuusuke/Shizuru, Sharing a Smoke
Yu Yu Hakusho: Hiei/Botan, what they don't know/in secret/unexpected
Yukikaze: Jack/Rei/Yukikaze; Damn it woman that's my mind!
Yukikaze: Jack/Rei/Yukikaze; Settling in the aftermath.
Yukikaze: Jack/Rei; Wear my mark.
Yukikaze: Rei/Yukikaze; Not all algorithms end in math.
Crossover, Baccano!/Fullmetal Alchemist, Claire/Hughes, gentleman soldiers
Crossover, Baccano!/Fullmetal Alchemist, Keith/Bradley, negotiating over brandy
Crossover, Code Geass/Mnemosyne no Musumetachi no Musumetachi no Musumetachi, Apos/Lelouch, bondage, LET'S PLAY CHESS OKAY LULU
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Gabranth/Shinjiro, sex in public—coercion
Crossover, Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni/Naruto, Takano/Kabuto, mindgames, injections, "Did you say your master had brains? ,)"
Crossover, Labyrinth/Trinity Blood, Jareth/Abel, dreams vs. reality
Crossover, Air Gear/Persona 3, Aki/Ikki, casual sex, pumped on adrenaline
Crossover, Bleach/DC comics, Rukia/Cassandra Cain, tiny
Crossover, Bourne Series/Casino Royale, Jason Bourne/James Bond, efficiency
Crossover, Cthulhu Mythos/Supernatural, John/Dean, that job down in innsmouth
Crossover, Cthulhu Mythos/Supernatural, Sam(/dean), The Stanford copy of Unaussprechlichen Kulten
Crossover, D-Grayman/Final Fantasy Eight, Kanda/Rinoa, Alternate Roads
Crossover, D. Gray-man/Baccano!, Tyki/Luck, A gentleman in every sense.
Crossover, D.Gray-man/Final Fantasy Seven, Sephiroth/Tiki/Cloud, No place for an unbroken mind
Crossover, D.Gray-man/Fullmetal Alchemist, Greed/Tiki, Mutual Collectors
Crossover, D.Gray-man/Kingdom Hearts, Leon/Allen, Another stoic
Crossover, D.Gray-man/Kingdom Hearts, Tiki/Cloud, stealing a heart
Crossover, DC Comics/Marvel Comcs, Bart Allen/Peter Parker, skyscrapers
Crossover, DC Comics/Marvel Comcs, Kon-El/Johnny Storm, clouds
Crossover, DC Comics/Marvel Comcs, Tim Drake/Kurt Wagner, mystery
Crossover, Doctor Who/Blackadder II or III, The Doctor/Edmund Blackadder, "so green with envy he could hop into a jar and call himself a pickled gherkin, but that would be implying far too much phallic imagery for comfort."
Crossover, Fake News/RPF (other), "Stephen"/Brian Williams, in his place
Crossover, Farscape/Final Fantasy VII, Scorpius/Cloud Strife, twist of fate
Crossover, FFVII/FFIV, Yuffie/Shadow, super secret ninja power
Crossover, FFVII/FFX, Yuffie/Auron/Jecht, winning a battle
Crossover, Final Fantasy Seven/Ruroni Kenshin, Zack/Kenshin, Mixed signals
Crossover, Final Fantasy VII/Any, Any/Cloud, Hopping from world to world had garnered him an interesting collection of lovers
Crossover, Final Fantasy VII/Earthbound, Weapon shop guy in Kalm/Shy masked guy in Onett Library, disappointment, no dialogue during sex
Crossover, Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts, Angeal/Genesis/KH!Cloud, wingkink, Seeing him, they wondered if they weren't more balanced than they'd thought
Crossover, Final Fantasy VII/Kingdom Hearts, KH!Cloud/FF7!Cloud, mirrorplay
Crossover, Final Fantasy X/Final Fantasy XII, Auron/Basch, men of action
Crossover, Final Fantasy X/Final Fantasy XII, Fran/Kimahri, similarities
Crossover, Final Fantasy X/Final Fantasy XII, Kimahri/Basch, comfort in exile
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Final Fantasy X, Kimahri/Basch, strange comfort
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Gabranth/Shinjiro, frottage
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Gabranth/Shinjiro, slow
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Gabranth/Shinjiro, temperature play
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Supernatural, Balthier/Dean, car kink
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Supernatural, Vossler/Dean, cuffs
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Tales of Symphonia, Balthier/Zelos, prettier
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Tales of Symphonia, Basch/Zelos, painful words
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Tales of Symphonia, Kratos/Balthier, submission
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Tales of Symphonia, Kratos/Basch, duel
Crossover, Fishugi Yuugi/Inuyasha, Nakago/Nuraku, One misguided bad guy to another
Crossover, Gargoyles/Torchwood, Owen(Puck)/Ianto, duitiful (honest)
Crossover, GUN/Red Dead Revolver (video game), Colton/Red, This town ain't big enough
Crossover, Gundam Wing/Final Fantasy Seven, Duo/Yuffie, Awesome!
Crossover, Gundam Wing/Final Fantasy Seven, Otto/Reeve, Technological Fixation
Crossover, Hellsing/Ouran High School Host Club, Kyouya/Integra, plans for world domination
Crossover, Heroes/Final Fantasy VII, Nathan Petrelli/Cloud Strife, bodyguard
Crossover, Homicide,LotS/DC comics, Megan Russert/Renee Montoya, informant
Crossover, House/Bones, House/Temperance Brennan, "you've met your match"
Crossover, House/Veronica Mars, House/Veronica, snark
Crossover, Inuyasha/Ruroni Kenshin, Miroku/Kaoru, Old Habits...
Crossover, Iron Man/Speed Racer, Sparky/Tony, gears
Crossover, Iron Man/Speed Racer, Speed/Tony, drinking games
Crossover, Iron Man/Speed Racer, Speed/Tony, naïve, “We both like it the same, quick and dirty.”
Crossover, Iron Man/Speed Racer, Speed/Tony, ride him like a cowbow
Crossover, Iron Man/Supernatural, Tony/Dean, speed freak
Crossover, Iron Man/X-men, Tony/Magneto, child's play
Crossover, Ironman/Torchwood, Jack/Tony, 'Not alien, but damn good.'
Crossover, Kingdom Hearts/Naruto, Larxene/Hidan, show me what you've got
Crossover, Kingdom Hearts/Vagrant Story, Ashley Riot/Aerith, this cross we both have borne
Crossover, Kingdom Hearts/Vagrant Story, Ashley Riot/Aerith, this cross we both have borne
Crossover, Kingdom Hearts/Yami no Matsuei, Axel/Touda, "Burn, baby, burn!"
Crossover, Kyou Kara Maou/Trinity Blood, Abel/Gunther, "Surprise! So, do we need blue or pink?"
Crossover, Labyrinth/Final Fantasy Seven, Jareth/Aeris, Likeness in opposite
Crossover, Marvel comics/DC comics, Bucky Barnes/Jason Todd/Stephanie Brown, not dead yet
Crossover, Marvel comics/DC comics, Bucky Barnes/Roy Harper, roboarms & the tricks they can do
Crossover, Marvel comics/DC comics, Cassandra Cain/Taskmaster, body language
Crossover, Marvel comics/DC comics, Nick Fury/Bruce Wayne, daddy
Crossover, Petshop of Horrors/Final Fantasy Seven, Count D/Nanaki, Fascination
Crossover, Pirates of the Caribbean/Supernatural, Calypso/Dean, suffer a sea-change
Crossover, Pokemon/Final Fantasy Seven, Hojo/Ash, Curiosity
Crossover, Profit/Veronica Mars, Jim Profit/Veronica Mars, backfire
Crossover, Revolutionary Girl Utena/Doctor Who, Akio/Tenth Doctor, the dangers of underestimating your opponent
Crossover, RPF (other)/Fake News, Pundits of your choice/Character!Stephen Colbert, celebrating the leap year with a freaky eight-way
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, Jack/John, chain of command
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, Jack/John, fishing
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, John/Teal'c, "hey there, big guy"
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, John/Teal'c, last man standing
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, John/Teal'c, unexpected
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, John/Vala, "cheer up, emo-kid"
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, John/Vala, child's play
Crossover, Stargate, Atlantis/Stargate, SG-1, John/Vala, on the outside, looking in
Crossover, Supernatural/Poltergeist The Legacy, Dean/Nick, cars
Crossover, Supernatural/Poltergeist The Legacy, Dean/Nick, guns
Crossover, Supernatural/Poltergeist The Legacy, Dean/Nick, silver bullets
Crossover, Tekken/Final Fantasy VII, Kazuya Mishima/Cloud Strife, power struggle
Crossover, Ten/Gin to Kin, Akagi/Ginji, kids these days
Crossover, Ten/Gin to Kin, Akagi/Ginji, retirement
Crossover, The Rose Of Versailles/Revolutionary Girl Utena, Oscar/Utena, Mirrors and masquerades.
Crossover, Trinity Blood/D.Gray-man, Leon/Allen, Teaching basics
Crossover, Trinity Blood/Final Fantasy VII, Abel/Tseng, "He needed to be claimed by someone strong."
Crossover, Trinity Blood/Final Fantasy VII, Seth/Aeris, "It's good to be royalty."
Crossover, Ultimate Fantastic Four/Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter Parker/Johnny Storm, new to this
Crossover, Vagrant Story/Xenogears, Grissom/Billy, Devotion and prayers / Anything that leads me home
Crossover, Weiß Kreuz/Final Fantasy Seven, Farfarello/Kadaj, Mixed fixation
Crossover, X-Men/Spiderman, Beast/Peter Parker, hanging from the ceiling
Crossover, Yami no Matsuei/Shounen Onmyouji, Touda/Touda, two snakes in the grass
Crossover,Magic Kaito/DNAngel, Kaito/Dark, "so, yeah, rooftops"
Crossover, Baccano!/Final Fantasy VII, Rufus/Luck, I always get what I want
Crossover, Baccano!/Final Fantasy VII, Tseng/Luck, He'd come to Turks of his own free will. But he did give them a chase first.
Crossover, Blade of the Immortal/Vagabond, Manji/Musashii, Bath house, "Can't hold your liquor."
Crossover, Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Final Fantasy VII, Faith/Tifa, strength, It wasn't often she found another girl who could keep up with her in a fight, or a bar, or in bed.
Crossover, Final Fantasy VI/Final Fantasy XII, Setzer/Balthier, airship comparison
Crossover, Final Fantasy VII/Star Wars, Cid/Han Solo, how ship size relates to other things...
Crossover, Final Fantasy VII/Witch Hunter Robin, Vincent Valentine/Amon, the silent type, Some things could only be said with a glance.
Crossover, Final Fantasy VIII/Witch Hunter Robin, Squall/Robin, Witch's Knight, He'd protect her, no matter what.
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Basch/Junpei, first time
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Fran/Shinjiro, xenokink, She's as strange as Shadows and just as dangerous
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Gabranth/Akihiko, possession
Crossover, Final Fantasy XII/Persona 3, Gabranth/Shinjiro, xenokink, "You have a tail."
Crossover, Okami/Kingdom Hearts, Issun & the three Fairies (Yuna, Payne and Rikku), Hey girls, wanna see my new brush technique? *wink*
Crossover, Okami/Shadow Hearts, Amaterasu/Kurando (Tsukiyomi), In the shadows of his mind, the sun and moon entwined
Crossover, Okami/Shadow Hearts, Amaterasu/Yuri, A new fusion
Crossover, Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga / X/1999 , Heat/Subaru/(Seishirou), desperation, crying out the name of one who isn't there
Crossover, Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga / X/1999 , Heat/Subaru/(Seishirou), desperation, crying out the name of one who isn't there
Crossover, Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga / X/1999 , O'Brien/Subaru, temporal disaffectation, "right but not correct"
Crossover, Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga / X/1999 , O'Brien/Subaru, temporal disaffectation, "right but not correct"
Crossover, Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga/Devilman Lady, Jun Fudou/Argilla, Pack dominance, "It's your eyes."
Crossover, Supernatural/The Dresden Files, Dean/Harry, Carsex, The master and the apprentice.
Crossover, The Dresden Files/Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Karrin/Faith, Handcuffs, Truth and justice.
Crossover, The L Word/Angel the Series, Helena/Faith, Cellmates, Cigarettes and soap.
Crossover, Torchwood/Dr. Who, Ten/Ianto brainy!specs, licking
Crossover, Torchwood/Dr. Who, Ten/Ianto/Jack, bananas, handcuffs, sonic blasters
Crossover, Torchwood/Stargate Atlantis, Teyla/Tosh, strength, silk, almonds
Crossover, Torchwood/Stargate SG-1, Ianto/Daniel, stars, cats
Crossover, Torchwood/Supernatural, Sam/Ianto, Far from home
Crossover, Witch Hunter Robin/X-Men (movie-verse), Robin/Bobby Drake, fire and ice, Opposites attrack
Crossover, X/1999/Revolutionary Girl Utena, Kanoe/Kozue, Kindred, Loki unchains the Fenris Wolf.
Crossover, X/1999/Shin Megami Tensei, Digital Devil Saga, Gale/Satsuki, Improbability, God is a number.
Crossover, Batman Begins/Equilibrium, Bruce Wayne/Jurgen, decadence, sensual kisses, touch like silk.
Crossover, Batman Begins/Equilibrium, Preston/Ducard, sensory overload, self denial, release, Ducard helps Preston overcome his fear of climaxing.
Crossovers, Fruits Basket/Weiß Kreuz, Momiji/Omi, Secrets
Crossovers, Naruto/Final Fantasy Seven, Gaara/Vincent, One need not be afraid
Crossovers, Naruto/FInal Fantasy Seven, Hinata/Yuffie, Let me show you then
Crossovers, Naruto/Final Fantasy Seven, Itachi/Zack, Prove your worth
Crossovers, Petshop of Horrors/Final Fantasy Nine, Leon/Kuja, Puzzlement, "How do I get into this?"
Crossovers, Trinity Blood/Final Fantasy Nine, Catarina/Garnet, Learn to rule
Crossovers, Trinity Blood/Final Fantasy Seven, Isaak/Genesis, Like Magic
Crossovers, Trinity Blood/Final Fantasy Seven, Sephiroth/Abel, Redirect
Crossovers, Trinity Blood/Final Fantasy Seven, Tres/Reeve, You're made so wonderfully...
Crossovers, Trinity Blood/Labyrinth, Seth Nightroad/Jareth, I'm actually impressed
Crossovers, Willy Wonka/Ranma 1/2/Fullmetal Alchemist/Final Fantasy Eight, Willy/Ryouga/Greed/Seifer, A series of mischance
ETA: Please note. If you've pointed out an error and I've fixed it, I'll delete the comments involving the error, just to keep things tidy.
As of now--11:07pm PST, Wednesday June 18--this round of the Porn Battle is over. Thank you for participating!