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Zero Hour: The Final Countdown

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Go Rake the Leaves Off Your Grass and My Grave (Finished Thread) [18 Mar 2009|06:17pm]
[ music | Billy Talent- "Voices of Violence" ]

Who: L, Light, and Seto Kaiba (finished)
When: Today (L and Light's first day working at The Happy Bookworm
Where: The Happy Bookworm
What: Kaiba reminds L of Light. He'll find out why pretty soon.
Rating/Warnings: PG-ish? No warnings as of yet.

Unleash the skeletons from the closet/These strangers are friends that you've never met )

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There's A Devil Waiting Outside Your Door... (How Much Longer?) [18 Mar 2009|08:14pm]
[ music | Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds- "Loverman" ]

Who: L and Imari
When: Thursday, March 19
Where: Imari's Garden of Earthly Delights
What: L loses his virginity. He'll sorely regret it later on.
Rating/Warnings: Strong R, for sexuality and drug use.

L is for LOVE, baby )

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