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Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
5:57p - Thread: Gav & Hannon
Who: Gav Reyes and Hannon Raleigh.
When: May 23rd. Evening.
Where: School. Hannon's Room.
What: Gav goes up to see Hannon for talking and general boyfriendieness.

Knock knock, no clever title for me )

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Who: The Lloyds
Where: Griffith's and Arthur's room
When: Saturday morning.
What: Breakfast. Siblings making fun of each other.

Breakfast before everything else. )

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Who: Jeremy and Griffith
When: Later the same Saturday morning.
Where: The skate park
What: Jeremy tries to teach Griffith to skate. Griffith shows off just how much of a klutz he is and how he's a magnet for bullies in need of anger management classes.

The name of the day was Weston. )

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Who: Coin Martin and Claudia Lloyd.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Where: Romy's Diner
What: Coin and Claudia cross paths. No bloodshed included. Yet.

He didn't think glares like that existed outside of Stargate. )

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Who: Coin and Aries
When: Saturday night.
Where: Aries's room.
What: Coin goes to see if Aries needs anything and ends up being all blurty.
Notes: Started out as a log. To be continued in comments. (Your turn Nick)

Spoonful after spoonful )

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