The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, January 10th, 2009
Who: Issak and Coin
Where: Issak's room.
When: Evening.
What: Coin goes to Issak's room because he's been told to do so.

Do you catch a breath when I look at you. )

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Who: Bruce and Ronald and Kiku
When: Sometime in the afternoon, after school
Where: Library
What: More weirdness involving Ronald.

Could you get that for me? )

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5:06p - Thread: Miss Duncan, Jadyn, Nova & Seth
Who: Miss Duncan (NPC), Jadyn Shaw, Seth Weston, Nova Shaughnessy.
When: January 10. Afternoon.
Where: School; Art Classroom.
What: Seth and Nova are helping Miss Duncan do some sketches, and Jadyn is there to scan them.

Now, you said there was one more person? )

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Who: Clair and River
Where: Rec room
When: Night time
What: Clair does something naughty for the wrong reasons.

It was part hormones, part dirty cookie, part the fact that she felt a bit left out. )

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7:34p - Thread: Koty & Killian
Who: Koty Harris and Killian Rayne.
When: January 10. Evening.
Where: Base; Killian's room.
What: Killian is talking gibberish and Koty is concerned.

Knock knock knock )

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9:28p - Project Stargate: Beck & Rezner
Who: Beck & Rezner
When: Jan. 10th, Night
Where: Project Stargate
What: Day late cupcakes.

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Who: Kian and Uriah
When: Sometime in the evening.
Where: Kian's office.
What: Uriah has been called down to see Kian in his office again.

Hopefully he'll get more inspiration for nightmares. )

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10:30p - Log: Grayer & Will
Who: William Piper & Grayer Valentine
When: Jan. 10th, Night
Where: Zener, Grayer's Dreamscape
What: Will wanders into Grayer's dreams. By accident, clearly!

He'd be the dreamscape knight in shining armor )

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10:37p - Log: Gunner & Dr. Bishop
Who: Gunner Crawley and Doctor Bishop.
When: January 10. Late night.
Where: Base; Medlab ---> Dr. Bishop's room.
What: Gunner falls asleep in the Medlab. Again. A log in which Gunner is asleep the entire time.

He only meant to rest his eyes when he closed them, but instead ended up falling asleep with his cheek pressed against the keyboard, a line of g's chasing across the blank document on screen )

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