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Wednesday, January 7th, 2009
9:17a - Thread: Duncan & Gretchen
Who: Duncan St. John & Gretchen Gallo
When: Jan.7th
Where: Zener Library
What: Duncan decides to try astral projecting...

Talk about an out of body experience. Literally. )

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9:33a - Thead: Zener: Jean-Luc & Open
Who: Jean-Luc and Anyone(s)
When: 1/7: Lunch
Where: Cafeteria
What: Food... and naked people.
OOC: I don't mind multiple people responding!

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Who ? Mateo and Gunner
Where ?outside the kitchen
When ? Wednesday afternoon
What ? Gunner meets Mateo

Oh, heaven forbid )

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1:13p - Narrative: Hunter Kincaid
Who: Hunter Kincaid (Narrative).
When: January 7. Afternoon.
Where: NYC. New York Time office.
What: Hunter has a meeting with his boss and gets an assignment.

The sort of stories that would get a guy noticed )

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3:03p - Log: Lex & Jarrod
Who: Jarrod Krippler and Lex Sawyer.
When: January 7.
Where: Stargate, Rec Room.
What: Conversations of media fame and bagels.

The internet was a weird and wonderful place. )

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3:43p - Thread: Dameon & Eddie
Who: Eddie Flynn and Dameon Wilder.
When: January 7. Afternoon.
Where: Base. Gym.
What: Roller-skating/blading.

Eventually, the reasonable thing to do was for Dameon to get his own )

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6:30p - Thread: Keegan & Open
Who: Keegan Holt and Open!
When: January 7th. Evening.
Where: Base; Rec Room.
What: Keegan is relaxing.

He was Keegan Holt )

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8:49p - Left for Gabe

current mood: accomplished

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9:40p - Thread: Thom & Jadyn
Who: Thom & Jadyn
When: January 7.
Where: Jadyn's room
What: Thom totally needs local access to the network!

Thomas rolled on his heels. )

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