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Wednesday, December 31st, 2008
Who: Daniel Kennet & Quinn Crawford
Where: The front entry of Zener
When: backdated, December 27th
What: They meet...dun dun dun! The current & the ex!

I'm Quinn. Quinn Crawford actually. I'm the math teacher, and if you want to know my ability, it's pyrokinesis. Did you want any vitals? You're....the priest. )

current mood: confused

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1:10p - Log: Jacob & Cree
Who: Jacob Pettifer and Cree Slavin.
When: December 30th (Backdated).
Where: Base; Cree's room.
What: Jacob comes over to visit.

Then we'll sort something out in January. I'll even let you decide what we eat )

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3:11p - Thread: Nicholas & Walter's New Year!
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: New Years Eve.
Where: London, England. Nicholas's home.
What: New Years Eve celebrations!

A New Years Eve in )

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3:12p - Thread: Falkland twins New Year!
Who: Ryder and Ashley Falkland.
When: New Years ve.
Where: Their mother's house.
What: New Years Eve! Sneaking alcohol and what not. :D

You still know how to pick this lock, right? )

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3:16p - Thread: Zener New Years Eve Party!
Who: Whatever Zener staff and students who wan to go!
When: December 31. 7pm-1am!
Where: School; Gym.
What: New Years Eve celebrations! Mocktails, dancing, that sort of thing.

Happy New Year, Hapy New Year, May we all have a vision now and then, Of a world where every neighbour is a friend )

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3:34p - Thread: Stargate New Years Eve Mission!!
Who: Red Team, Black Team, Blue Team, Junior Team.
When: December 31. Before midnight.
Where: NYC; Time Square.
What: Stargate carries out their mission.

Startgate does New York )

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