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Monday, December 29th, 2008
1:07a - A Gift
Note: Backdated to Christmas Day

current mood: creative

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Who: Jer-Bear and Isaiah
When: Shortly after Isaiah's journal entry
Where: Isaiah's Room
What: Isaiah has something special to show Jeremy

You Called Master? )

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Who ? Mr. Smith, Keegan, and Mateo. Briefly O
When ? Afternoon, Dec 29
Where ? Mr. Smith's office
What ? Smith finally meets with the brothers.

Some of us fall by the wayside And some of us soar to the stars )

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9:22p - Thread: Gunner & Dr. Bishop
Who: Gunner Crawley and Dr. Bishop.
When: Deember 30. Evening.
Where: Base; Medlab.
What: Medlab things. And Gunner is reading.

Gunner was nosy )

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