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Wednesday, December 24th, 2008
12:04a - Presents for Molly!!

current mood: cheerful

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12:43a - Gifts for Clair and Justin

Left in their respective rooms.

For Clair )

current mood: bouncy

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1:04a - Presents for Kiku and Clair

Left for the girls in their rooms. Each come in boxes, colored after their favorite colors, and wrapped in shiny paper. With tiny cards attached.

Clair )

Kiku )

current mood: accomplished

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1:40a - Thread: Baja, Kiku, and Clair
Who: Baja, Kiku, and Clair
When: December 26th, Evening(Forward Dated)
Where: Baja and Kiku's Room
What: Girls Night!!!!

Snack food and PJs. Excellent )

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3:02a - Thread: Gabe & Baja
Who: Gabe and Baja
When: Tuesday December 23rd. late afternoon in the evening
Where: Zener then town
What: A surprise date!

We shall stay dressed today….maybe )

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Who: Isaiah Deaver
When: Evening.
Where: Outside Jadyn's door.
What: Gift leaving.

It was even wrapped. Shocking. )

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Who: Clair Montgomery-Andrews
Where: Kiku and Baja's room. And Brea's room.
What: Presents
When: The Eve of Xmas Eve.

Presents )

Edit: Left in Brea's room a little later )

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Who: Aries and Coin
What: Very, very last minute Xmas shopping. (This thread is backdated)
Where: The mall?
What: Coin has dragged Aries to the mall. They do goofy things.

Oooo lookit! )

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Who: Maegan & Daniel
When: Thursday, December 18, 2008 evening
Where: Zener rec room
What: gift exchange, Wii playing and confessions

I'm too old for Wii )

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Who: Daniel & Isaiah & anyone else who comes
Where: IHOP
When: about 12am Christmas morning
What: who knows what might happen with these two

Did you ever see the faces of the children, they get so excited. Waking up on christmas morning hours before the winter suns ignited. )

current mood: jubilant
current music: Christmas caroles

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Who: Coin Martin
What: Presents left under the Christmas tree
Where: Under the Christmas tree?
When: Evening.

Presents )

And a note slipped under Issak's door:

Note )

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