The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, December 6th, 2008
Who: Maegan & Jayne
Where: The mall!
When: Friday after classes
What: holiday shopping

More & more, Jayne was appreciating the benefits of online shopping )

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1:08p - Thread: Jena & Roxy
Who: Roxy Smith and Jenna Lewis.
When: Decembr 6. Afternoon.
Where: School; Their room.
What: Mending friendship. And talking about why Roxy can hear Slink's kitty thoughts.

Jenna was determined that things would go well with Roxy )

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5:26p - Thread: Betty & Evan
Who: Elisabet Rose and Evan Carter.
When: December 6. Suppertime.
Where: Base; Kitchen.
What: Things of the supper variety?

Suppertime )

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10:54p - Thread: Isaak & Coin
Who: Isaak Hudson and Coin Martin.
When: December 6th. Evening.
Where: Base; Isaak's Room.
What: An evening in.

Hey Kid )

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