The Zener School for the Mind

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Saturday, November 22nd, 2008
4:25p - Thread: Gav & Clark
Who: Gav Reyes and Clark Rogers.
When: November 22. Afternoon.
Where: School; Clark's Room.
What: Gav needs to get out of his room. He goes to see one of the few people he likes.

The list of people he considered friends was short, and growing ever shorter, as people kept disappearing. )

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Who ? O and Aries
Where ? Aries' Room
When ? Saturday evening
What ? Aries has something to ask.

We'll do it all, everything on our own )

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Who ? Dr. Bishop and Gunner
Where ? The Doctor's lab
When ? Saturday Evening
What ? A meeting of the minds?

And you won't feel a thing, And you won't become anything at all. )

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