The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
6:57a - Log: Lisa & Clark
Who: Lisa Wilson & Clark Rogers
When: Nov. 11th, Late Morning (Backdated)
Where: Cafeteria
What: Cleaning up the mess and getting over the shock.

It's still safe )

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10:05a - Thread: Riston & Anyone(s)
Who: Riston Van Dousen & Open
When: Nov. 12th, before lunch.
Where: Library.
What: Relaxing, or something like it.

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Who: Avery Six and Open
When: Novermber 11. Afternoon
Where: Outside the school gate ---> Inside
What: Six comes back.

There shall be smokes and booze. Or not. )

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Who: Jadyn and Isaiah
Where: Computer lab
When: November 11. Afternoon
What: Isaiah goes to see Jadyn. There will be questions and figuring things out or something.

So..coma much? )

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Who: Garrett Rasmussen & OPEN
When: Wednesday Night
Where: Crunk'd
What: When the stripper Lover Boi isn't dancing for singles, he's at the bar....making notes on psychology?

First Drinks Free )

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4:08p - Narrative: Erina
Who: Erina Furizawa
When: Nov. 12th, Afternoon
Where: Parker & Braylen's Rooms
What: Erina goes in to investigate the rooms of the suspected students and discovers a few things.

Too much information. )

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4:21p - Thread: Brea and Verona
Who: Brea Carrasco and Verona Knight
When: November 12th
Where: Verona's Room
What: Comfort and Cookies.

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4:25p - Thread: Cooper & Pepper
Who: Cooper & Pepper
When: Nov. 12th, Afternoon
Where: Zener > Outside
What: Walk n' Talk.

(13 comments |comment on this)

4:32p - Thread: Trev & Mercy
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Mercy Wilde
When: Nov. 12th, Afternoon
Where: Mercy & Pepper's Dorm
What: Mercy is scared and so Trev comes over to talk.

Here we are. )

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Who ? Dr. Bishop, Falkland Twins, Gunner, Killian, and Nando
Where ? Dr. Bishop's lab
When ? Wednesday Morning
What ? Dr. Bishop gets to run tests! It's better than sex!

Is there anyone out there cause it's getting harder and harder to breathe )

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Who ? Dimitri and Colin
Where ? Colin's room
When ? Wednesday night
What ? Discussion, both personal and business, and food.

Un clou chasse l'autre. )

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Who ?Aries and O
Where ? Aries' room
When ? late Wednesday night
What ? O drops by like he said he would.

Keizoku wa chikara nari )

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