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Thursday, November 6th, 2008
9:36a - Thread: Seth & Nova
Who: Seth Watson & Nova Shaughnessy
When: Nov. 6th, Noonish
Where: Zener, Hallway
What: Nova brutalized Seth's hair the night before, he went and got his haircut and is just getting back.

He had more hair on his face then on his actual head. )

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5:01p - thread: verona and brea and movie
Who: Verona & Brea
When: Nov. 6th, Afternoon
Where: Zener > Movies
What: Saw V, probably!

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5:18p - Thread: Emily & Andy + Mr. Yates
Who: Emily Bell/Andy Freeland Mr. Yates/Ms. Wilson
When: November 6th, 5pm.
Where: Mr. Yates Office.
What: Conflicting pregnancy test results.

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11:48p - Thread: Liz & Any
Who: Liz Jensen & Any
When: Thursday November 6th, early evening
Where: Zener students dorm hallway
What: Liz is bored and “wanders”
I kissed a girl and I liked it! )

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