The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, October 30th, 2008
12:06p - Thread: Falkland Twins
Who: Ashley and Ryder Falkland.
When: October 30. Early Evening.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Getting into costumes.

Time to get ready! )

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12:09p - Colour Kids getting ready for the dance!
Who: All of the Colour Kid characters!
When: October 30. Early Evening.
Where: Kirsten and Rylee's Room.
What: Getting ready for the dance! All the Colour Kids/Rainbow Brite characters.

Rainbow Brite and friends! )

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12:12p - Halloween Dance!
Who: All students who want to attend and all staff who are chaperoning!
When: October 30. 7-12pm.
Where: School. Gym.
What: The Halloween Dance!

Halloween Spooktaculat Dance! )

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3:01p - Narrative
Who: Clark Narrative
When: October 30 - 6:30p
Where: Outside the school, away from the festivities.
What: Cue the emo

yellow dye 7? )

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Who: Kiku Miyagi & Charlie Brandon
When: October 30th
Where: School dance briefly, then off to Charlie’s room
What: Kiku saves Charlie from the noise, and shows him her surprise early.
It wasn’t how she planned it, but it still worked out )

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Who: River Simmon & Anbody wishing to join
When: October 30. (During the dance)
Where: Rec room
What: River avoids the halloween festivities
All by myself…and I like it that way )

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