The Zener School for the Mind

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Sunday, October 26th, 2008
Who ? Eddie and Braylen
Where ? Braylen's Room
When ? Sunday night
What ? movie night with the boys

I will bloom here in my room with a little water and a little bit of sunlight and a little bit of tender mercy )

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Who: Jarrod & Jon
When: October 26
Where: Jarrod's room
What: The L word has been said over AIM. Now time to explain, on both parts.

Vulnerable. )

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10:06p - Log: River & Clair
Who: River Simmon & Clair Montgomery-Andrews
When: October 26th, afternoon
Where: School Library
What: Clair and River finally meet, it doesn’t go so well.
The library is supposed to be a quiet place )

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