The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, September 25th, 2008
Who: Talan and Jayne
Where: Dorm Room 319
When: Evening after Voice Class.
What: Singing while doing homework and assessing Jayne's injuries.
Rating: PG-13 for bad language do to come with Talan's bad temper.

Touching you, touching me, touching you, god you're touching me! )

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Who ? Eddie, Mr. Shaw, Dameon IN that order
Where ? Computers I then Dameon's room
When ? This log takes place between the hours of 2:30 and 4:00 pm
What ? Crying fit

I cant take the time until I next see you smile )

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11:02a - Late delivery
Who: Isaiah Deaver
Where: Outside Molly's room
When: Day of her birthday, afternoonish
What: Because buying online means late presents.

Left outside Molly's room is... )

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12:58p - Thread: Lisa & Jayden
Who: Lisa Wilson & Jayden Shaw
When: Sept. 25th, Noon
Where: Computer Lab
What: Lisa comes to talk to Jayden about what happened to Jayne.

It was too much power. )

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1:03p - Thread: Quinn & Vannie
Who: Quinn Crawford & Vannie Holmes
When: Sept. 25th, Early Afternoon
Where: Library
What: Quinn comes to check on their secret plan.

A week gone and he was a new man. )

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1:33p - Thread: Derek & Rylee
Who: Derek Schumaker & Rylee Jones
When: Sept. 25th, Afternoon
Where: Rylee's Room
What: Talking about a plethora of things.

Never run out of things to say. )

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Who: SeanPaul & Eddie
When: Sept 25, Afternoon
Where: Eddie's Room
What: Sean is about to leave for a very depressing vacation but Eddie wants to talk first

Give Me A Ticket For An Airoplane I Ain't Got Time To Take No Fast Train )

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Who: Jarrod & Anthony
When: Sept 25, Happy Hour Evening
Where: Stargate: Anthony's room
What: Drinkin'!

But still, free booze was free booze. )

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5:00p - Thread: Tory and Open
Who: Tory Gnosis and Open! :D
When: September 25. Evening.
Where: School; Outside. Front lawn.
What: Tory is being a lazy boy. And drinking milk. It does the body good. Pass it on!

Milk and full body stretches )

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Who: SeanPaul Harper and Noel Washington
When: Last Sunday (backdated)
Where: The library.
What: Sean and Noel go to the library to study. Yeah...everything's going to go exactly as planned. Really.
Notes: Long, contains abilities going out of whack (again) and handjobs. You have been warned.

Do you realize? )

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Who: Charles Brandon and Anyone(?), Web kids(?)
When: Friday afternoon, after school
Where: Student parking lot, near Squishy
What: Charlie tries to touch base with his friends and get someone to go with him to the local florist.

...Hey guys? )

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7:42p - Thread>RJ&Molly&Kitten
Who: RJ & Molly
When: Sept 25, Afternoon
Where: Molly's room!
What: Belated Birthday

squirm )

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Who: Lisa & Clark
What: Phone conversation where they agree to meet up
When: Thursday at 7:30p

Don't pick up don't pick up don't pick up )

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Who: Jayne & Shaw
Where: Kitchen
When: approx 9:30pm
What: discussing Jayne's power flux
open: nope

You go to school and learn the golden rule, So why are you acting like a bloody fool? )

current mood: aggravated

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