The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, September 11th, 2008
Who ? Kian and O
When ? Thursday afternoon
Where ? North Conway
What ? O meets Kian in town to collect reports

I can't promise but, trust me )

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6:36a - Thread: Natalie & Logan
Who: Natalie Davenport & Logan
When: September 11th, Morning
Where: Outside Zener
What: Sketching a bit outside

Oil pastels, charcoal and graphite pencils. )

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8:07a - Thread: Drake ? Erina ?
Who: Drake & Erina
When: Th. Sept 11th, Morning
Where: Cafeteria
What: Breakfast does the body good.

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9:51a - Thread > Yates, Crawford and Holmes
Who: Yates, Crawford, & Holmes
When: Th. Sep 11th. After lunch.
Where: Yates Office
What: Having a little chit-chat.

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Who: Jacob, Maggie, Winnie & Cain as spectators?
Where: Project:Stargate Training Room
When: September 10, evening.
What: Jacob is practicing his power with the help of Maggie - to an audience.

Jacob allowed his power to unleash itself )

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Who: Yes & Riston
When: September 10. Evening.
Where: Their room
What: Yes just got a note and a picture. And there's ANTM tonight.

And smiling like a fool. )

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Who ?Falkland Twins
Where? Detention
When ? 2:30 on!
What ? Fighting in class leads to trouble

I know you know I know )

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9:05p - Thread: June & Coin
Who: June Marquez and Coin Martin
When: September 11th, Evening-Nightish
Where: Stargate Base, Coin's Room
What: June returns Coin's sewing kit.

It wasn't the greatest of sewing jobs, but it got the job done. )

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9:41p - Thread: Braylen & Eddie
Who: Braylen King and Eddie Flynn.
When: September 11. Early afternoon.
Where: Eddie's dorm.
What: Eddie wanted to talk.

Braylen skiffed off class after lunch )

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Who: Jayne, Clair & Justin
When: Sept 11, about 7pm-ish
Where: Justin & Clair's car, Best Buy, a food place maybe?
What: The siblings take Jayne to get Spore! He buys dinner.

One way or another, I'm gonna find you, gonna get you! )

current mood: tired
current music: Hurricane Party - Cowboy Mouth

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