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Tuesday, September 9th, 2008
8:21a - Thread: Trev & Open!
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Open!
When: September 9th, Morning
Where: Cafeteria
What: Eating breakfast and fiddling with an iPhone.

It was more like doing an operation. )

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11:36a - Project Stargate
Who ? O and Open
Where ? Kitchen
When ? Tuesday before lunch
What ? Making lunch!

I want to shine on you. And always like that dazzling sun. I will defend you from all the darkness )

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Who ? Killian and Koty
Where ? Outside Project Stargate
When ? Tuesday afternoon
What ? Killian gets to go out for a walk!

She's my priestess, I'm your priest. )

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1:35p - Thread: Andy & Emily
Who: Andy Freeland & Emily Bell
When: September 9th, Afternoon
Where: Andy's Dorm Room
What: The truth comes out.

The truth will set you free. Or damn you to Hell. )

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4:16p - Project Stargate > Milk & Spiders
Who: Kim Malone, Any
When: September 9th, Early Afternoon
Where: Armory, Basement
What: Spiders and weapons don't mix.

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Who: Coin Martin
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Outside Juniper's room
What: Delivery.

Left outside June's door is... )

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Who ? O and Mr. Smith
Where? Mr. Smith's room/office
When ? Around Lunch
What ? Feeding the lion

Everything is bright )

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