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Saturday, September 6th, 2008
12:23a - Log: Jonathan and Jarrod
Who: Jarrod Krippler and Jonathan McLeod.
When: September 1. Evening.
Where: Base; Jarrod's room.
What: Jarrod is wrapped up in his movie so Jonathan brings him some food.
Warning: Some naughtiness.

Food delivery )

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12:28a - Thread: Maegan and OPEN
Who: Maegan Alvey and ANY
When: September 5th, Nightish
Where: Zener Rec Room
What: Sitting. Boredom. Company?

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Who ? Vaughan and Roxy although someone else could join too if they wanted
Where ? North Conway
When ? Saturday
What ? Pawning, shoplifting, B & E et cetera

Five hundred dollars for twenty minutes work )

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Who ? Coin and Killian
Where ? Coin's room?
When ? Saturday
What ? Killian wants Coin to take him out 'shopping'.

He even had a list )

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Who: SeanPaul Harper and Noel Washington
When: September 5th. After school.
Where: On the grounds. By the southern fence.
What: Sean and Noel talk again.

Might as well go to the source. )

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11:27a - Thread: June & Open
Who: June Marquez & Anyone (or Anyones)
When: September 6th, Lunch
Where: Stargate Base, Entertainment Room
What: Eating leftover pizza and watching a movie

She pushed the fork on her leg to stop herself from wanting to cry. )

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Who: Kiku Miyagi and Charles Brandon (tired of them yet?! :P)
When: Date night. Saturday.
Where: Zener -> Macs -> Boxcars
What: Kiku and Charlie go out on a date.

He checked how much money he had and how much gas there was in Squishy )

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