The Zener School for the Mind

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Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008
Who ? Eddie and Dameon
Where ? The country
When ? Tuesday evening

Need to hold you, once again my love, feel your warm embrace my love )

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2:14p - Thread: Emily, Andy.
Who: Emily Bell, Andy Freeland
When: Wednesday (3rd), after class.
Where: Andy's Room
What: Emily brings Gatorade.

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2:53p - Squirrelish Behavior
Who: Guinevere and a Forest Squirrel
When: (Backdated) Day One of the Beach Party
Where: Forest near the beach.
What: Guinevere is adopted by a Squirrel.
Status: Complete

“Ok, what did the creatures around here call you?” She laughed when she heard the answer to that. “So I will call you Pest.” )

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5:59p - Maddison and Any
Who: Maddison Locke and anyone
When: late afternoon, 3rd August
Where: lurking around the Stargate base
What: Maddison is still having problems with her power

still broken? )

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