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Wednesday, August 27th, 2008
Who: Jax Kennedy & OPEN. [To Project: Stargate]
When: Tuesday Evening.
Where: The Rec Room.
What: Jax is bored and winds up in the Rec Room.

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Who ? Killian and Aries
Where? Aries' Room
When ? Ungodly early Wednesday morning
What ? Killian brings a sandwich.

It was an added bonus that he may actually be bleeding )

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8:17a - Thread: Sage and open
Who: Sage Bennedict
When: August 27th, Early morning
Where: Zener Library
What: Sage is refamiliarising himself with the school.

curiosity is good thing )

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Who: Jadyn Shaw and Isaiah Deaver
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Computer labs
What: Isaiah goes to make up for what he's done.

He didn't think he could pout his way out of this one. )

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9:52a - Project Stargate > Ruth
Who: Irish Grier as Ruth Savage / Anyone(s)
When: Morning of August 27th
Where: Stargate Base
What: Training

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10:49a - Thread: Pepper, Riston (& Yes?)
Who: Pepper Mason and Riston Van Dousen (and Yes Stephens if he wants!)
When: August 27. Morning.
Where: Riston and Yes's room.
What: Pepper comes over to plan photo-ramas, fancy bathrooms and brings Poptarts!

Wakey wakey! Poptarts! )

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Who: Camila Foster & Maegan Alvey
When: Very late morning, August 27.
Where: Clothing stores?
What: Shopping trip.

Abercrombie & Fitch, here we come!? )

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12:16p - Thread: Maggie, Killian?, any Stargate
Who: Maggie McArthur, Killian Harris?, any Stargate
When: August 27th, Lunch
Where: Stargate Base, Kitchen
What: Spaghetti, garlic bread, food.

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Who ? The Falkland Twins and OPEN
Where ? On campus
When ? Wednesday Afternoon
What ? The twins are trying to get oriented

With a thousand lies And a good disguise Hit ‘em right between the eyes )

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3:42p - Thread: Cree, Dr. Bishop & Killian
Who: Cree Slavin, Dr. Bishop and Killian Harris.
When: August 27. Suppertime.
Where: Stargate; Medlab.
What: Cree arrives at the base and is brought to see the doctor.

Deer in headlights )

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