The Zener School for the Mind

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Friday, August 22nd, 2008
Who ? Psychic Web and Everyone at Zener
When ? Friday morning
What ? The psychic web finally made it to school!
Where ? Campus

Life is a test and I get bad marks )

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10:08a - thread: nova and a trashcan
Who: Nova Shaughnessy & Anyone(s)
When: August 22. Mid-morning
Where: Outside, dumpsters
What: Nova got in trouble

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4:30p - Riston > Psychic Web "Hello!"
Who: Riston Van Dousen, Psychic Web
When: August 22. Afternoon
Where: 3rd Floor - Hallway
What: A Riston sized welcoming!

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4:44p - Project Stargate > Two Psychics and a Pizza
Who: Irish Grier, Lex Sawyer
When: August 22. Dinner
Where: Pizza
What: Er... pizza.

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7:00p - Thread: Kirsten, any
Who: Kirsten Everley, any
When: August 22nd, Evening
Where: Outside
What: Watching the sunset

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7:29p - Thread: Eli & Open
Who: Eli Tash and Open!
When: August 22. After supper.
Where: Outside.
What: Eli is one part spider-monkey.

And then started breaking off little twigs and dropping them, giggling to himself. )

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8:47p - Thread > Roxy, Morgan
Who: Roxanne Smith, Morgan Korim, Any(s)
When: August 22nd, Late Afternoon
Where: Outside
What: Checking things out

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