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Thursday, August 14th, 2008
10:42a - Thread: Quinn & Isaiah
Who: Quinn Crawford & Isaiah Deaver
When: August 14th, Mid-Morning
Where: Parking lot
What: Quinn s driving into town to get some things and Isaiah is coming too.

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11:54a - Project Stargate > Grier
Who: Grier, any @ Stargate
When: August 14th. Early Afternoon
Where: Community room/Grier's
What: Benito watches tv.

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Who: Charles Brandon and Open. Or this could be a narrative.
When: August 13th. Late night.
Where: The small town of North Cornway. Behind a hotel
What: Charlie is trying to see if he can get some food out of the the hotel restaurant kitchen. There are alien clown frogs.

Like Lady and the Tramp. Without the meatballs and dogs )

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