The Zener School for the Mind

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Thursday, July 31st, 2008
Who: Narrative, Isaiah Deaver
When: The morning he has to go and see Carter.
Where: Outside.
What: Isaiah needs to blow off steam and causes trouble in the nearby town.
Notes: Mentions of sex in a car, but nothing too explicit. Use of psychic powers in public.

So he was blowing off the headmistress. So what? )

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Who: Jadyn Shaw and Isaiah Deaver
When: Later in the afternoon. On the same day as the narrative below
Where: On school grounds.
What: Isaiah comes back to school and meets Jadyn.

In the end he had to come home. )

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11:55a - Thread: Eddie & Gav
Who: Gav Reyes and Eddie Flynn.
When: July 31. Early afternoon.
Where: Hospital.
What: Gav is in the hospital on drug detox. Eddie goes to visit.

Cold turkey has got me on the run )

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Who: Pepper, Yes, and Ronald
When: July 31st, late morning
Where: School parking lot, to hospital to ice cream?
What: Because Ronald wanted to see Mr Six.

Boy with a monkey )

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6:25p - Thread: Maddox & Anyone
Who: Maddox Ripley and Open.
When: July 31. Late afternoon.
Where: Mail room.
What: It's Maddox's birthday - not that anyone knows. Not that he'll admit to it.

It was just another day )

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