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Tuesday, July 22nd, 2008
11:53a - Thread > RJ & Any
Who: Rhett Jameson, Any
When: July 22nd, Morning.
Where: Kitchen
What: Getting done with morning kitchen duty.

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Who ? Eddie and Dameon
Where ? Dameon's room
When ? Early Evening
What ? Eddie goes to break up with Dameon, but we'll see what happens.

she holds a smile like someone would hold a crying child. )

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2:25p - Thread: Braylen & Eddie
Who: Eddie Flynn and Braylen King.
When: Lunchtime.
Where: Eddie and Gav's Room.
What: Braylen goes to visit his BFF!

Open up or I'll huff and puff and hopefully walk in on you starkers! )

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3:13p - Thread: Trevor & Mercy
Who: Trevor O'Shea & Mercy Wilde
When: July 22nd, Afternoon.
Where: Mercy's Dorm.
What: Mercy's going to get it.

(12 comments |comment on this)

3:21p - Thread > Birthday Cake
Who: Emily Bell and Andy Freeland (Anyone else).
When: Afternoon, July 22nd.
Where: Random Town Cafe.
What: Emily goes out for Birthday Cake.

(9 comments |comment on this)

Who: Luke and Mak
What: ?
When: Very early Wednesday morning
Where:The basement gym

Read More... )

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10:29p - Thread: Braylen & Sebastian
Who: Braylen King and Sebastian Hughes.
When: July 22, later in the evening.
Where: Their dorm room.
What: Roommate chatting?

Wotcher )

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