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Sunday, July 13th, 2008
12:43a - Thread: Erina & Drake
Who: Erina Furizawa & Drake Stravos
When: Late Evening
Where: Drake's dorm
What: Someone forgot something in the laundry room

Overpriced footwear? )

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1:22p - Thread: Walter and Nicholas
Who: Nicholas Pucey and Walter Avery.
When: July 13, Afternoon.
Where: On a bus.
What: After running into town (separately), both Nicholas and Walter end up on the same bus.

The wheels on the bus... )

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2:12p - Thread: Kian & Open
Who: Kian Travers and Open.
When: July 13. Lunchtime.
Where: Cafeteria.
What: Eating lunch! And... conversation?

Part of the guise he wore as a nice guy was that Kian had to interact with other people )

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4:19p - Thread: Anyone
Who: Drake Stravos, Anyone.
When: Afternoon
Where: Outside
What: Meddling about.

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8:47p - Thread: Girls sleepover
Who: Any of the girls.
When: July 13. Evening.
Where: Rec Room.
What: Girls sleepover. Movies, snacks, gossip, you know the drill.
Note: Any boys looking to crash - please note the Mr. Morris line of the thread :P

Sleepover friends )

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