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Tuesday, July 8th, 2008
2:04a - Thread: Noel Washington and Jadyn Shaw
Who: Noel Washington and Jadyn Shaw
When: Afternoonish
Where: Computer labs?
What: Noel is an a goody two shoes and goes to apologize for this rude encounter without Isaiah's knowledge.

One thankless task )

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2:16a - Left for Eddie Flynn
Left outside of the door of Eddie Flynn )

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8:28a - Thread: Derek & Rylee
Who: Derek Schumaker & Rylee Jones
When: July 8, Morning
Where: Rylee's Room
What: Sharing some croissants and marmalade!

Ma-ma-ma-marmalade! )

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9:49a - Thread: Playing Outdoors
Who: Rhett, Kirsten, & Anyone!
When: July 8th
Where: Outside!
What: Squirt guns, bike rides, etc.

bingo! )

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2:36p - Thread: Trev, Mercy, Pepper, Eli, any
Who: Trevor O'Shea, Mercy Wilde, Pepper Mason, Eli Tash & any!
When: July 8, Late Afternoon.
Where: Ouside
What: After eating out for Chinese, hanging out and possibly a battle to the death?

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3:45p - Thread: Maddox and Open
Who: Maddox Ripley and Open!
When: July 8, Late Afternoon.
Where: Rec Room.
What: Maddox is playing video games.

Wii! )

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Who ? Walter and Open
Where ? between the grocery store in town and the campus.
What ? Grocery shopping
When ? July 8, late afternoon

Eating words has never given me indigestion )

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7:52p - Log: Kian and Mr. Smith
Who: Kian Travers and Mr. Smith (NPC).
When: July 8. Evening.
Where: Stargate Base.
What: Conversation about Project Stargate.

Take care of him. -- Understood. )

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8:12p - Thread: Dameon and Eddie
Who: Dameon Wilder and Eddie Flynn.
When: July 8. Evening.
Where: Kitchens.
What: Kitchen encounter. Dameon needs coffee.

Sleep is a symptom of caffeine deprivation )

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