January 10th, 2009

01:30 pm
[info]ravenna_c_tan: Fic: Touya's Pride, (Akira/Hikaru, NC-17)

Title: Touya's Pride
Author: Ravenna C. Tan
Fandom: Hikaru no Go
Pairing: Hikaru/Akira eventually, Akira/others, sort of (you'll see)
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Non-commercial fanfic.
Summary: Touya Akira loses a match and suffers a crisis of faith. Could wily old Kuwabara-sensei have the answer? Or is the answer to be found in Touya's eternal rival, Shindou Hikaru?
Warnings: This is not your typical fluffy Aki/Hika fic, although the two of them are plenty cute together! Just be warned for graphic sex, kinky use of sex toys, and there is what could be termed cross-gen/chan (sort of), and also psychological manipulation as part of the plot. The sex is graphic, but not gratuitous. Touya is 16. Spoilers for the series, also.


Part One is here: LJ and IJ
Part Two: LJ and IJ
Part Three: LJ and IJ
Part Four: LJ and IJ
Part Five: LJ and IJ
Part Six: LJ and IJ
Part Seven: LJ and IJ
Part Eight: LJ and IJ
Part Nine: LJ and IJ
Part Ten: LJ and IJ