March 28th, 2008

08:47 am
[info]kyuuketsukirui: Morning Sunlight

Title: Morning Sunlight
Rating: G
Pairing: Hikaru/Akira
Length: 100 words
Summary: It's weird the things that make him think of Sai.

It's weird the things that make him think of Sai. Not go, not really. When he's playing go, it's like Sai is a part of him, or in the game, not separate enough to be thinking about.

It's things like historical dramas or koi flags fluttering in the wind on Children's Day. It's an old woman fanning herself on the train, a pretty guy with long black hair, a weekend in Kyoto with Akira.

Sometimes it's the morning sunlight shining in the window, and he watches blurry-eyed as dust swirls through the air like ghosts, Akira's warmth against his back.

05:39 pm
[info]branchandroot: [Fic] Easy (Akira/Hikaru)

Title: Easy
Author: Branch
Genre: Pre-Romance
Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Akira/Hikaru

Summary: Hikaru is very matter-of-fact about intimacy, which is probably why it works.


"Touya, move back a bit."

Akira sighed. Shindou could get downright pushy about being able to see the board, even when Akira was just recreating games.

07:05 pm
[info]sivullinen: Fic: The day before (Touya/Waya)

Whee, I'm beyond excited that there is now a Hikaru no Go asylum on InsaneJournal :D Here's a link to a fic I wrote a while back for Porn Battle here at IJ.

Title: The day before
Rating: Hard R
Pairing: Touya/Waya
Summary: Written for Porn Battle, for prompt "Touya Akira/Waya, the day before". So, um. Just silliness with a blowjob.

The day before Touya Akira told Shindou Hikaru that he liked men...