Welcome to your Second Life
.:.:.:: :. ...: .::.:. ..::

Your Second Life
Those who die with greedy hearts turned selfless are given a Second Life.

Those who die without reason are given a Second Life.

Welcome to your Second Life.

August 2011
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Come back April 26th, 2011 Go forth
Yeah... so... How yins doin'?!

My apologies! It's been quite a while since the last chapter, no? This is for several reasons:

1) Tekkoshocon, an anime convention here in Pittsburgh, happened and it was rather busy.

2) Moving. My husband, Kuroneko, and I have moved into a new house! So all sorts of new settings and possibly a new character is in store for everyone~

3) I have yet to set up my craft room, which is my main doll room. THIS I will do hopefully soon, so stay in touch! X3

While we're here, is there anything about the story that you really like? Anything you'd change? Anything you'd like to see? Well then, let us know! :D

Thank you all so much for reading! <3 <3


My feelings are : happy
Music <3: Wolf's Rain - Face On
Come back April 26th, 2011 Go forth