Welcome to your Second Life
.:.:.:: :. ...: .::.:. ..::

Your Second Life
Those who die with greedy hearts turned selfless are given a Second Life.

Those who die without reason are given a Second Life.

Welcome to your Second Life.

August 2011
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Come back January 10th, 2011 Go forth
Chapter 9- Mission: Exploration

I felt it was kinda silly to label the chapters here "Welcome to Your Second Life" when the JOURNAL TITLE is that. XD So enjoy!

Though please forgive the terrible light in this (read: lack thereof), but I really wanted to keep going with the story. >___>;; Even though it was around 10 at night.


Curiousity killed the cat. What they don't tell you is that the cat got back up. )

Thank you! Here's an extra shots of Esme. I wuv her~

location: Irwin House
My feelings are : sick
Music <3: Serial Experiments Lain - 13th Floor
Come back January 10th, 2011 Go forth