Welcome to your Second Life
.:.:.:: :. ...: .::.:. ..::

Your Second Life
Those who die with greedy hearts turned selfless are given a Second Life.

Those who die without reason are given a Second Life.

Welcome to your Second Life.

August 2011
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Come back April 30th, 2010 Go forth
Calm Down, kid.

Second chapter, huzzah is had.

Last nudity warning, I swear. Arafel gets clothes this time. XD Also, 'cause it's Vaughn's nature, the bird is flipped once or twice. So just in case you're offended by that.

This Asylum will contain Vaughn's uncensored words, so the f-word will be used. What can I say, he has a potty mouth that needs cleaning! XD Also, a bit more is explained at the end as I do not want to go over four pages over at DOA. Please to enjoy!


The Wounded Boy found a naked girl beside a tree. But is she really a girl? Her ears are long and pointed, her body speckled, and she spoke of antlers and wings... )

Thank you! <3

My feelings are : chipper
Music <3: The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Neil Cicierga
Come back April 30th, 2010 Go forth