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Your Song: An Original RPG

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[07 Feb 2009|07:36pm]
Who: Julian and open
Where: The courtyard
What: Trying to find some inspiration
When: Saturday evening

It was, by all accounts, really very cold outside. Julian had been known to sacrifice a certain amount of comfort for his art, though, so he'd come outside in the early afternoon with his iPod, sketchbook, and camera, and somehow managed to still be there by the time the sun had started setting.

He was laying on his back on the ground, iPod resting on his chest, camera pointed up at the surrounding trees and sky, though he wasn't actually using it. The sketchbook was lying abandoned by his side, open to a roughly done, half finished drawing of the courtyard. He just couldn't bring himself to finish it, for whatever reason - he'd lost interest. Nothing caught his eye, although at the moment he figured it was just too familiar. Nothing really changed, and it wasn't like taking photos of or drawing the school was revolutionary. He needed something a little different.
72 Commentown tears.

[07 Feb 2009|10:04pm]
Who: Kieran and Johnny
Where: New York City
What: Going to some secondhand music stores
When: Sunday (February 8)

Kieran stepped out from the train station, looking around and grinning immediately. He loved the city, and despite being fairly laid-back himself, he liked that it was so fast-paced. He turned to look at Johnny, grinning over at him. He was admittedly happy to hang out with him in the city, especially if it involved going to music stores. "So, have somewhere specific in mind that we're going?"
60 Commentown tears.

[ viewing | February 7th, 2009 ]
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