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Your Song: An Original RPG

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[27 Jan 2009|09:32am]
Who: Jackson (solo)
Where: his room
When: Tuesday, January 27, afternoon
What: it's that time of year again, to find out if he's still alive
Rating: PG for minor language

I'm just soggy from the chemo )
own tears.

[27 Jan 2009|10:19pm]
Who: Sara and OTA
What: Dinnertime conversation
Where: Dining hall
When: Tuesday evening

Sara was having a late dinner, since she spent most of her evening in the library studying after she stayed late at the dance studio. She liked having a late dinner – it meant she had to be surrounded by less people, so she could spend more time in her own head space.

Most of the people on her dormitory floor were in a lounge watching American Idol (silly arts kids who enjoy watching other people make fools of themselves in the pursuit of a career in the performing arts), so Sara thought that would be a good time to slip out and go grab some dinner. Sara didn’t really watch the show, but it was fun to see what sorts of people would be entering pop culture from the show; actually, she did watch it when she was younger – at one time, Sara was a Kelly Clarkson fan, even if that was ephemeral.

She was thankful that the dining halls stayed open late. She grabbed a slice of pizza, a slice of chocolate cake, and a glass of milk, sitting down at a corner table. Sara turned her iPod on, and slipped off into her own world, listening to her music. Though she was currently the only person in the dining hall, she didn’t really expect that anyone else would show up.
own tears.

[ viewing | January 27th, 2009 ]
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