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Your Song: An Original RPG

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[18 Jan 2009|09:24pm]
Who: Jackson and Johnny
When: Sunday, lights out
Where: their room
What: this time Jack's the one who starts talking
Rating: PG

There'd been a pattern established in the last year and a half since it was just the two of them in their room, after Justin had been cut at the end of freshman year. The lights would go out, and most nights, the two roommates would roll over and sleep. But sometimes, often enough to make it a habit, one of them would start talking.

They almost always talked about the more serious things in the dark. Like Johnny's mother's illness, and Jack's own time on chemo. The normal every day average things, like music, or Jack picking on Johnny's banjo (which didn't stop him from including it in one of his pieces), were saved for the light.

It was quiet for a few minutes after Johnny flipped the switch into darkness. Jack rolled over onto his back in his bed, letting his eyes adjust to the darkness and the faint light from the hall coming in under the door. He listened, wondering if Johnny had already fallen asleep, but no, the breathing didn't sound quite even enough, and he could still hear a faint fidgeting.

"Hey. I might need you to cover for me a few weekends from now. If there's a bed check on that Saturday night."
26 Commentown tears.

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