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Your Song: An Original RPG

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[10 Jan 2009|10:10am]
Who: TJ and Liz
When: Saturday night, late
Where: a black car, coming home
Status: incomplete
Rating: R at least and moving as fast as TJ can manage into Adult

So far, TJ thought it had been a good evening. He had taken Liz to Meli Melo before the event, then the performance itself: modern dance with some African roots, and a driving beat under it all that had TJ tapping his toes and wishing he were dancing himself rather than watching it. The gathering after was close enough to walk to, a formal evening and TJ's speech and presentation of the monetary gift was quickly done.

Then they were able to mingle, nibble on canapes, and eventually disappear into the private car TJ had hired for the night, heading back to Presley before they were out late enough to get into trouble.

It wasn't a limo, so there was only the one back seat, wide and comfortable as TJ relaxed into it. He tugged his tie undone, wrestling with the top button of his shirt with a soft sound as it released and he felt like he could breathe again. "Tuxes aren't bad," he said, "but I can never find a shirt that doesn't feel like it's choking me." He glanced over at Liz and grinned. "I hope you had a good evening?"
142 Commentown tears.

[10 Jan 2009|09:37pm]
Who: Kale and Alfie
When: Saturday evening
Where: Alfie's place
What: a change to... relax

Kale leaned against the doorjamb, knocking three times in quick succession, then twice more slowly afterwards. "S'me," she called out, waiting for Alfie.
40 Commentown tears.

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