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Your Song: An Original RPG

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[08 Jan 2009|03:50pm]
Who: Jackson and Nikki
Where: Dance studio
When: eveningish
What: Jackson's borrowing space he doesn't belong in

It wasn't the first time he'd borrowed the dance studio, but then, it wasn't something he got to do often, either. It seemed like there was always someone in there. Someone who belonged there (and who didn't have two left feet when it came to dancing, like Jack did).

But the basketball net was covered in snow and ice, and it was way too cold to even consider being outdoors. And he needed more space than he could manage in his dorm room. So he made his way to the studio, just in time to see two of the first year girls coming out. The glanced up at him and when he smiled back, they put their heads together and giggled, walking away.

Jackson gave it some time, waiting to see if anyone else came in. But when the room remained empty, he slipped inside to borrow the large space.

He hadn't owned a proper dobok since he'd received his black belt. Since he'd gotten sick, really. But he'd never stopped practicing his forms. This evening he kicked off his shoes and socks, leaving them by the side, and was dressed in loose sweats. He shed his t-shirt as well, knowing he'd be more than warm enough once he warmed up. Then he found his place in the center of the room, found his own center inside his mind, and began running through forms, starting with white belt, and working his way up through the ranks.
12 Commentown tears.

[ viewing | January 8th, 2009 ]
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