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Your Song: An Original RPG

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[25 Dec 2008|01:31pm]
Who: Darcy and Jackson
What: Merch booth chatter?
Where: A small concert hall (practically just a bar) in Albany, NY
When: Wednesday, December 24th

Belated Ballad had played in Poughkeepsie on Tuesday night, so it wasn't too far of a drive up to Albany. They had slept on the bus, and planning on spending their Christmas eve eating dinner at a local restaurant and then playing a show. Not the family Christmas eve that Darcy was used to, but more than anything else, she wanted to spend some time with Jordan, so in her mind, not going to California for the winter break was justified.

Jackson said that he would go to the show in Albany, so she made sure to add his name to the (very short) guest list and gave it to the bouncer at the venue. The band didn't really have a merch person - they just kept their merch locked up while they were performing and sold the merchandise themselves, so the band was lucky when Darcy came along with them for the week, as she was the self proclaimed merch girl for the next week and a half. And a damned good job she did - she managed to convince even the janitors that didn't speak a word of English that they should be buying an album or a tshirt.

Before doors (at the point when only the guest list was allowed inside), Darcy sat at the merch table, her legs crossed and on the table, knitting a scarf. She was an art major - besides drawing and painting, she was a very crafty person in general. Darcy was always doing something artistic.
70 Commentown tears.

[ viewing | December 25th, 2008 ]
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