Youka Nitta
A reminder... 
26th-Jan-2009 02:42 pm
It is Iwaki's birthday tomorrow, the 27th, and our current drabble/fic/novel challenge (write something, dammit!) is "Development" - should go well with the birthday, eh?

There are still a few days left to come up with a prompt or three for the Embracing Spring Fest.
26th-Jan-2009 08:53 am
What is the comm's official position on scamlation/ crack!manga, please?
26th-Jan-2009 08:55 am
I am not sure about the scamlations, it is sort of filched from other people's scans... *blushes*

Written crack!manga? Bring it on.
26th-Jan-2009 09:09 am
28th-Jan-2009 04:44 am
hi!!! you know when is katou's birthday??? pls... i really wanna know!!! thanks!!
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