Youka Nitta
Drabble: Offering His Support 
29th-Aug-2008 04:26 am
Title: Offering His Support
Prompt: #5, fire
Pairing: Iwaki/Katou
Rating: NC-17
Words: 3 x 100
Warnings: no beta
Summary: Katou can only offer his support.

Katou held his breath when the reporter kept talking, making Iwaki more helplessly angry with every word. Angry that every time he thinks he is free, the past catches up and there's nothing Iwaki could do about it. At that moment, Iwaki looks every bit like the cool beauty he is always called as. Katou, knowing him, could see the hurt in the tightly closed fists, the almost unnoticeable strain in his voice. Now he can only offer his hand, but later, in the privacy of their home, he will try to turn the anger into another kind of fire.

He loves the way Katou's lean body wraps around his when they make love. He feels like he is touched everywhere, his attention now on the cock sliding between his legs, pushing his sack upward until the head emerged for him to see, then back down again. What began with stormy emotions turned into a slow and meaningful conversation of bodies... and this body was so familiar, so safe. The fire eating him demanded more, making him lift his hips in a silent demand to which Katou replied, making room between them to manoeuvre his cock to the right position.

Pushing carefully in, Katou admired the sight in front of him. Face and chest flushed with colour, Iwaki looked like something made solely for his pleasure. All worries forgotten, there was only the all consuming fire. Droplets of sweat from Katou's body mixed in with the ones on Iwaki's when his thrusts got more strength behind them. He saw the effect he had on Iwaki in the erratic movements of a hand that had moved to grip the straining cock. The sight of his lover coming pushed Katou over the edge, sharply, completely, finally leaving them float softly into sleep.
29th-Aug-2008 12:18 am
Beautiful, and very sensual. Thank you very much! I feel so good reading this drabble.
31st-Aug-2008 04:24 pm
Thank you for your very nice comment! ^^
29th-Aug-2008 02:42 am
Delicious and hot! And spot on characterisation.
31st-Aug-2008 04:29 pm
Thank you! I think I should read the newer chapters again though, I'm getting unsure about if I remember things well enough if I keep writing things here :P
29th-Aug-2008 10:20 pm
Katou, knowing him, could see the hurt in the tightly closed fists, the almost unnoticeable strain in his voice.

I love this line in particular -- that Katou does indeed get to see an Iwaki that no one else does, because he knows Iwaki so well.
31st-Aug-2008 04:33 pm
I like that aspect in their lives quite a lot. Iwaki is such a secretive man but Katou does know him so well :)
8th-Sep-2008 03:02 am
Very smexy, with some great description! Thank you so much for writing and sharing! *hugs*

love, lore
9th-Sep-2008 02:34 pm
Thank you for commenting! I'm glad if it turned out ok ^^
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