Youka Nitta
Drabble: The Burning Fire - Carlo/Magira 
23rd-Aug-2008 02:29 pm
Title: The Burning Fire
Pairing: Carlo/Magira
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Warnings: Angst
Summary: Magira only wants one thing.
A/N: Not for any of the prompts, but just because [info]snapelike is evil and wicked and I adore her. :D

Magira’s slapped cheek burns, but it is nothing to the fire scorching his heart. He thought he could be loved and happy here, but Carlo is like the others. He just wants to own Magira, nothing more.

Magira wants to scream.

Carlo’s words wash over him, but his touch makes Magira’s heart surge with hope. He tries to ignore it, but Carlo is different from others. And despite himself, Magira listens.

“Will you teach me to love you?”

The words quench the burning in his heart, and it fades to a sweet pain only Carlo can salve. Magira nods. “Yes.”
23rd-Aug-2008 04:37 pm
Awwww... *melts totally* *sighs*

Thank you for writing, hon. It is lovely! There is such a great dynamic between them.
23rd-Aug-2008 04:42 pm
:D There really is. I just love them together. I think it's the fact that they're such opposites when it comes to what they expect.

Helped to have the inspiration...
23rd-Aug-2008 04:49 pm
W00t? *tries to hide a nekkied Carlo under the sofa*
23rd-Aug-2008 04:53 pm
LOL Would he even consider staying there willingly? ;)
23rd-Aug-2008 04:41 pm
Oh, very nice. I especially like how it's Carlo's touch that unlocks Magira's ability to hear.
23rd-Aug-2008 04:44 pm
Thank you. It's a very powerful moment for them, so I couldn't resist. I'm glad you liked it.
26th-Aug-2008 04:17 pm
I'm getting more and more fond of these two :) This was really sweet! ^^
26th-Aug-2008 07:40 pm
:D Thank you. I'm very fond of them, as you can tell. ;)
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