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Roleplay praise.

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[31 Dec 2012|09:01pm]

I'm going to try to keep this short, as not to embarrass myself with even more rambly, repetitive gushing... You know how I do~ I'm not shy about letting you know how awesome I think you are on any given day, but I wanted to make another one of these for you (your very own this time!) today, because. I figured while they're off spoiling each other for their big day, I would write one of these up for you to hopefully put a smile on your face, because you definitely deserve it. Everything's been so amazing from day one and I can't thank you enough for everything you've brought to the table, whether it's been something barfy sweet for them, torturous fun for us or a combination of the two. It's been really great getting to write with someone who doesn't shy away from the less than perfect moments, but also doesn't go over the top with the dramatics either. I think they've got just about a perfect balance. They're human and everything between them has played out very realistically, the ups and the downs, and every last little bit of it has been so much fun to write through with you. And your portrayal is just perfect. Unicorn magic, for real. She's such a weirdo, but a very smart and articulate weirdo and I think you capture her personality and her ways perfectly. You've made me love her even more over the last year (and a few months) and hate her a little too, but in a very good way. In the way that I want to smack her in the head with a love bat, because she's kind of a life ruiner. Real Stana and your version alike because they're one and the same as far as I'm concerned. I seriously couldn't ask for a better writing partner. Mine, mine, mine. :X

ANYWAY. I really just wanted to thank you, for the thousandth time, for everything. For being so damn awesome with her, for being such a fun person to write with and for sticking it out with me through all of the moving around that we've done, because I know it's been a bit of a hassel at times and it means a lot to still have you (and her) around. I'd be bummed to lose such an amazing line, to say the absolute least, that's for damn sure. They're my favorites and I love them in the grossest of ways, much like Gina loves Stana. And much like Gina hopes to have Stana with her this time next year, I hope that we can stick together, too, because they've still got a lot coming to them and I look forward to getting to write through it all with you.

xo [info]gina

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[31 Dec 2012|11:50pm]
I've been at [info]originate for four freaking years now. It's so hard to believe, and yet, here we are. Mods, you guys have created such a wonderful little place for Vanessa and I to call home, and I thank you so much for it. I couldn't live anywhere else if I tried (and I have) because you guys have spoiled me so. It's both the mods and the people who make the place feel like home, but it didn't feel right to praise everyone else without giving a shoutout to the mod team who makes it all possible! Now for the sap. )
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