Roleplay praise.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay praise.

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[09 Dec 2012|10:26pm]

I don't officially hit six months until the 18th of this month but right now it feels like it's been a lot longer. I have been at this game in its previous incarnations under different celebrities but I have been here with Chris for as long as this. I had picked him up on a whim, which I have done in the past with previous roles, and I never thought I would enjoy him more than I have with my other roles. I have had the time of my life here in [info]production and even with the brief hiccup in which I was removed for a moment then came back, it still amazed me to know that I was wanted by people. It feels like family and I thank many of you for that.

For individual praise. )
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