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Man how time flies! [05 Dec 2012|03:01am]
I have been at this thing for over a decade now (FUCK, I feel old) and for the majority of that time I have devoted myself to this girl's lovely face. There have been some tough times in there, times when I gave her up and more than once was pretty sure I was done for good. It was actually kind of an accident that I ended up at [info]richardlovett. I was supposed to join another place with a friend, but it didn't work out and common sense would have said to just throw in the towel permanently FORREALS, but I thought I remembered some writers I really respected saying how much they loved the Lovett so I applied. Turns out those writers were at a completely different place but apparently it was a sign from the universe. It was the first time I was playing this girl without my standard group of homies and I honestly didn't expect to make it more than a couple weeks all by my lonesome. However, it's been a year and we're still kicking. Actually, I've never been happier writing Anne and with how she's been able to develop over the past twelve months. So in celebration of that, and because it's that time of year I wanted to say thanks to a group of people who have made this quite possibly my favorite year writing ever.

You raise me up, headline/richardlovett )
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